Dokeianos asked for help. Michael IV sent troops & a new katepano from Sicily; Dokeianos returned there

Michael Dokeianos wrote to Sicily for help, and was sent troops from Macedonia and Calabria, with Paulicians. They gathered at Montepeloso with the shattered survivors of Monte Maggiore. Dokeianos was replaced as katepano of Italy by the son of Basileios Boioannes, and returned, by imperial command, to Sicily, whence he had come 
Boioannes, katepano of Italy in 1040s (Anonymus 177)
  • He arrived in Apulia after Monte Maggiore to replace Michael Dokeianos as katepano (: ) Annales Barenses 55.8-9
Emperor Michael IV Paphlagon (Michael 4)
  • Recalled Michael 103 Dokeianos from Italy when he learnt of the latter's defeats at Cannae and Horai in the hands of the Franks (Normans) whom Dokeianos had alienated by not paying their salaries, and replaced him with Boioannes (Anonymus 177) (:) Skylitzes 426.36-38
Michael Dokeianos, katepano of Italy (Michael 103)
  • He was replaced as katepano of Italy by Anonymus 177, son of Basileios 108 Boioannes; he returned, by imperial command, to Sicily, whence he had come (: ) Annales Barenses 55.8-11
  • He was faced by a rebellion in which Arduin 101, his topoteretes as katepano, summoned Normans from every possible direction to Melfi; Michael and the Greeks lost battles and fled to Bari; Michael finally left for Sicily (: ) Anonymus Barensis 150-151