Army avoided Antioch, where food was short, crossing the Tauros into Anatolia, suffering from cold

Romanos IV feared that marching via Antioch would put too much strain on the starving city. He therefore advanced through desert land past the defiles and kleisourai separating Koele Syria from Cilicia, reaching Alexandron (Alexandretta), where he encamped. From there he crossed the Taurus with his army, where many men and animals perished because of the cold, and entered Roman Anatolia 
1068 Late December 
Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes (Romanos 4)
  • Fearing that marching through Antioch would put more strain on the starved city, he advanced through desert land past the defiles and kleisourai separating Coele Syria from Cilicia and reached Alexandros (Alexandretta) where he encamped (:) καταφρονήσας ἐπὶ συμφέροντι ταύτης τῆς ἰδίας τρυφῆς Attaleiates: History 119.23-120.10 / 91.1-8
  • Entered Roman territory after marching with his entire army through Cilicia and across the Taurus mountains, where many troops and animals perished as a result of the cold (in late December (1068):περὶ τὸ τέλος ἦν ὁ δεκέμβριος μήν) τὸ ὅρος πανστρατιᾷ ὑπερβάς Attaleiates: History 120.10-18 / 91.8-15
  • Unable to proceed to Antioch because of famine in the city he marched through passes and kleisourai, pitched camp at Alexandros (Alexandretta), then crossed the Taurus with his army where many perished because of the cold, and entered Roman territory (:) Skylitzes Continuatus 133.1-7