Manuel Komnenos died in Bithynia in campaign against Turks: mourned by Anna Dalassene

While in Bithynia, on campaign with the emperor Romanos IV against the Turks, he contracted an ear-ache and died, causing great grief to both the emperor and his Turkish ally Erisgen, who all but died with him. On his deathbed in the monastery of Theotokos Alypos at the foot of Mount Azalas he received his mother Anna Dalassene, embraced her, asking to be buried with her, and died shortly after 
1071 April 17 
Anna Dalassene (Anna 61)
  • While in Constantinople she learnt of her son (Manuel 61)'s illness, crossed over to Nicaea and, informed that his condition was deteriorating, joined him on his deathbed at the monastery of Theotokos Alypos on the foothills of Mount Azalas (:) Μαθοῦσα δ᾿ ὅτι πρὸς τὸ κάκιον προσχωροίη τῷ παιδὶ τὰ τῆς νόσου, τὸ ὄρος ὑπερβᾶσα...εὗρε τοῦτον...πρὸς τὴν ἔξοδον ἐπειγόμενον Bryennios 103.15-22
  • Paid the last honours to her son (Manuel 61), mourned him as much as a mother who lost such a son would, and then, overcoming slightly her pain, sent Alexios 1 Komnenos to join the emperor (Romanos 4)'s campaign (:) βραχύ τι τοῦ πάθους ἑαυτὴν ἀνενεγκοῦσα τὸν κλεινὸν ἐκπέμπει Ἀλέξιον συστρατευσόμενον τῷ βασιλεῖ Bryennios 105.1-6
Erisgen/Arisighi, brother-in-law of Alp Arslan (Chrysoskoulos 101)
  • Taken by Romanos 4 on campaign against the Turks, he almost died of grief when Manuel 61 died of an ear-ache (in the beginning of spring: Ἦρος δὲ ἀρχομένου) Ὁ δὲ Χρυσόσκουλος μικροῦ δεῖν καὶ συναπῆλθεν αὐτῷ· οὕτως ὑπὸ τοῦ πάθους νενίκητο ὡς προέσθαι βούλεσθαι καὶ αὐτὴν τὴν ζωήν Bryennios 103.9-14
Manuel Komnenos, eldest brother of Alexios I (Manuel 61)
  • While in Bithynia, on campaign with the emperor (Romanos 4) against the Turks, he contracted an ear-ache and died, causing great grief to both the emperor and Chrysoskoulos 101 (in the beginning of spring:Ἦρος δὲ ἀρχομένου) ὁ κουροπαλάτης ὠταλγίᾳ συσχεθεὶς τετελεύτηκε Bryennios 103.9-14
  • On his deathbed in the monastery of Theotokos Alypos at the foot of Mount Azalas he received his mother (Anna 61), embraced her asking to be buried with her, and died shortly after (:) ταύτην περιπλακεὶς κατησπάζετο, μηδέν τι φθέγξασθαι δυνηθεὶς ἕτερον, μόνον δὲ αἰτησάμενος ταύτην κοινῆς ἄμφω ἀξιωθῆναι ταφῆς Bryennios 103.19-105.1
  • While on campaign in Bithynia he contracted an ear-ache and died ὠταλγίᾳ συσχεθεὶς τετελεύτηκε Bryennios 103.11
  • His death plunged his mother Anna 61 into mourning; as a result, his teenage brother Alexios 1 was prevented from joining the Mantzikert campaign, in order to console her Anna Komnene 11.10-20
  • Details of his commemoration confirm that he died on April 17, 1071 (:) Christos Philanthropos, note 22
Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes (Romanos 4)
  • Campaigned against the Turks taking with him Chrysoskoulos 101, but when he reached Bithynia, the kouropalates (Manuel 61), suffering from an ear-ache, died, causing great grief to the emperor who loved him dearly (in the beginning of spring: Ἦρος δὲ ἀρχομένου) μὲγα πένθος τῷ βασιλεῖ καταλιπών· μάλα γὰρ ἐφίλει τὸν ἄνδρα Bryennios 103.9-12