Unsuccessful embassy of deposed Romanos Diogenes to win over Robert Crépin

Romanos, unaware of his worsening situation, encouraged and gave hope to his army that Turkish reinforcements would arrive soon, and sent embassies to Robert Crepin in an unsuccessful attempt to excite his barbarian pride against Andronikos Doukas. Andronikos used even more flattery towards Robert in order to neutralise the effects of Romanos' embassy 
Andronikos Doukas, son of the kaisar Ioannes (Andronikos 61)
  • Used even more flattery towards Robert 101 in order to neutralise the effects of Romanos 4's embassy, and when the latter's men defected to him he promised not to harm them and they surrendered both the emperor (Romanos 4) and the castle (:) καὶ θωπευτικώτερον ἐντετυχηκὼς τῷ Κρισπίνῳ τὴν ἐκείνου πρεσβείαν ἀπέδειξεν ἄπρακτον Bryennios 137.18-25
Robert Crepin, Norman mercenary (Robert 101)
  • Was sent embassies by Romanos 4 in an attempt to excite his barbaric pride against Andronikos 61, and was then flattered even more by Andronikos 61 so that the embassy proved unsuccessful (:) Διεπρεσβεύετο δὲ καὶ πρὸς τὸν Κρισπῖνον, πειρώμενος αὐτοῦ τὸ βάρβαρον φρόνημα διεγεῖραι κατὰ τοῦ Ἀνδρονίκου Bryennios 137.17-21
Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes (Romanos 4)
  • Unaware of his worsening situation, he encouraged and gave hope to his army that Turkish reinforcements would arrive soon, and sent embassies to Robert 101 in an unsuccessful attempt to excite his barbarian pride against Andronikos 61 (:) τῶν πραγμάτων αὐτῷ κατόπιν ἐρχομένων οὐ κατεγίνωσκεν Bryennios 137.14-19