Troubles at Antioch after death of Joseph Tarchaneiotes & rebellion of Philaretos Brachamios

The death of Joseph Tarchaneiotes, doux of Antioch, was followed by troubles in the city, while Philaretos Brachamios had risen in revolt at the same time. Katakalon, the son of Tarchaneiotes, was unable to check the situation. Philaretos fortified the passes in a mountainous area, making it impregnable and assembled many Armenian and other soldiers into a strong army. The emperor was unable to subdue him: in fact Philaretos subjugated many imperial cities and enlarged his dominions 
1074 (Uncertain) 
Joseph Tarchaneiotes, proedros and doux of Antioch (Joseph 61)
  • Died leaving Antioch in turmoil τοῦ δουκὸς Ἀντιοχείας τοῦ πρωτοπροέδρου Ἰωσὴφ τοῦ Ταρχανειώτου τὸ κοινὸν ἀποτίσαντος χρέος καὶ τῶν ἐκεῖσε στασιασθέντων πραγμάτων Bryennios 201.18-20
Katakalon Tarchaneiotes, doux of Antioch (Katakalon 61)
  • Was unable to check the rebellions that had broken out after the death of his father Joseph 61 Tarchaneiotes (:) ὡς μόλις δυνηθῆναι κατευνασθῆναι τὰς ἀναφυείσας στάσεις παρὰ τοῦ ἐκείνου υἱέος τοῦ μαγίστρου Κατακαλών Bryennios 201.20-22
Philaretos Brachamios (Philaretos 101)
  • His rebellion was spreading at the time of the death of Joseph 61 Tarchaneiotes whose son Katakalon 61 Tarchaneiotes was unable to check the situation (:) ἅτε καὶ τῆς τοῦ Φιλαρέτου τυραννίδος ἀρξαμένης ἤδη αὐξάνειν Bryennios 201.20-203.1
  • Fortified the mountain passes making the area impregnable, assembled many Armenian and other soldiers into a fighting force, and the emperor (Michael 7) was unable to subdue him so that he subjugated many imperial cities and enlarged his dominions (:) καὶ κατ᾿ ἐξουσίαν τὰ ἑαυτοῦ προμηθούμενος Attaleiates: History 301.10-17 / 215.20-26
  • Lived in a fortified place protected by walls and ravines, gathered many Armenians and other men, refused to submit to the emperor Michael 7, and appropriated imperial land for himself (:) ἀκαταδούλωτος ἦν Skylitzes Continuatus 184.7-11