Alexios I wrote to Pakourianos, asking him to gather troops; they left Isaakios governing the capital

Alexios I wrote to Gregorios Pakourianos telling him of Robert Guiscard's seizure of Avlon and his determination to persist in spite of reverses. Alexios told Gregorios to gather his forces and join him with all dispatch. Isaakios, Alexios' brother, was left to govern the capital. His roles included countering enemy propaganda and maintaining the morale of the imperial women - though not, of course, that of the indomitable Anna Dalassene 
1081 July-August 
Emperor Alexios I Komnenos (Alexios 1)
  • He wrote to Gregorios 61 telling him of Robert 61's seizure of Avlon and his determination to persist in spite of reverses; he told Gregorios to gather his forces and join him with all dispatch; he left Isaakios 61 to govern the capital (:) Anna Komnene 126.85-98
Anna Dalassene (Anna 61)
  • Being very strong and able to organise matters, she needed no moral support from Isaakios 61, whose role included assistance to the tearful imperial women (:) Anna Komnene 126.91-96
Gregorios Pakourianos, megas domestikos (Gregorios 61)
  • He was told by a letter from Alexios 1 about the determined attack mounted by Robert 61, and was asked to gather his forces and join Alexios with all despatch (:) Anna Komnene 126.85-91
Isaakios Komnenos, elder brother of Alexios I (Isaakios 61)
  • He was left to act as regent in the capital whilst Alexios 1 and Gregorios 61 went to fight at Dyrrachion; his roles included countering enemy propaganda and maintaing the morale of the women - not, of course, that of Anna 61 (In the month of August of the 4th indiction (1081):μῆνα αὔγουστον τῆς τετάρτης ἐπινεμήσεως) Anna Komnene 126.91-96