Sulayman ibn Kutulmush captured Antioch from Philaretos

While Philaretos was away in Edessa, Sulayman b. Kutulmush quietly left Nicaea and made his way southwards with extraordinary speed and secrecy, so that he was able to surprise and capture Antioch. He had his soldiers climb Antioch's walls by way of ropes fixed to the battlements, thanks to the secret help of some of its inhabitants. Once he had taken Antioch, 110 muezzins called the Muslims to perform the Friday prayer in the Church of Qusyan (Hagios Petros). Ibn Manjak joined Sulayman in Antioch after the conquest with 300 knights; then his whole army joined him, one troop after the other. Sulayman would later, after a siege, take the citadel of Antioch by capitulation, in order to avoid causing a massacre and being involved with prisoners 
1084 Late 
Ibn Manjak (Manjak 101)
  • Joined Sulayman 5000 in Antioch after the conquest with 300 knights; then his whole army joined him, one troop after the other (:) وصل اليه ابن منجاك في ثلاثمائة فارس الى أنطاكية ثم ترادف عسكره اليه Ibn Shaddad 312
Philaretos Brachamios (Philaretos 101)
  • While away in Edessa, he lost possession of Antioch to Sulayman 5000, who had quietly left Nicaea and made his way southwards with extraordinary speed and secrecy (:) اغتنم ... سليمان ... غيبة صاحبها الفلادرس عنها بالرها ... فسار من نيقية في عسكره ... وأسرع السير حتى وصلها ليلاً فقتل أهل ضيعة تعرف بالعمرانية جميعهم لئلا ينذروا به Ibn Shaddad 312
  • His people in Antioch mistook the attackers of Sulayman 5000, when they entered the city early in the morning, shouting loudly, for the army of Philaretos himself; when they realised the town had been attacked, some fled to the citadel, while others jumped down from the walls and escaped (:) وصاح الأتراك صيحة واحدة فتوهم أهل أنطاكية انهم عسكر الفلادرس فلما قاتلوهم انهزم أهل البلد ... وعلموا ان البلد قد هجم عليهم فهرب بعضهم الى القلعة وبعضهم رمى بنفسه من سور البلد ونجا Ibn Shaddad 312
Sulayman ibn Kutulmush (Sulayman 5000)
  • While Philaretos 101was away in Edessa, Sulayman quietly left Nicaea and made his way southwards with extraordinary speed and secrecy, so that he was able to surprise and capture Antioch (:) اغتنم ... سليمان ... غيبة صاحبها الفلادرس عنها بالرها ... فسار من نيقية في عسكره ... وأسرع السير حتى وصلها ليلاً فقتل أهل ضيعة تعرف بالعمرانية جميعهم لئلا ينذروا به Ibn Shaddad 312
  • He had his soldiers climb Antioch's walls on the side of Bab Faris, using ropes fixed to the battlements, with secret help from some inhabitants; they then raised the portcullis and entered; once Antioch was taken, 110 muezzins called the Muslims to Friday prayers in the Church of Qusyan (Hagios Petros) (:) وعلق حبالاً في شرفات السور بالرماح وكان ذلك بباطن كان له مع بعض أهلها وطلعوا مما يلي باب فارس ... رفعوا منشار الباب ونزلوا فتحوه ... وفي يوم فتحها صلى المسلمون صلاة الجمعة في كنيسة القسيان وأذن فيه يومئذ مائة وعشرة مؤذنين Ibn Shaddad 312
  • He would later, after a siege, take the citadel of Antioch by capitulation, in order to avoid causing a massacre and taking prisoners (:) وفتح القلعة بالأمان بعد حصارها ... ليوقيها من القتل والسبي خاصة Ibn Shaddad 311