Defeat by David IV of Georgia of a massive Muslim invasion led by Ilghazi

A sultan of Khorasan made Ilghazi his commander in a massive invasion of Georgia. Georgia was defended by its king, David IV the Builder. His defensive position was heavily wooded, between two hills, he summoned divine aid and had 200 Franks in the van. He at once scattered the invaders at and won a great victory with heavy casualties. Ilghazi barely escaped the battle, and reached home with a few men, escorted by the Arab Dubais, exhausted, unarmed and hungry 
1121, August: 
sultan of Khorasan, ally of Ilghazi in Georgian expedition (Anonymus 858)
  • He was the ally of Ilghazi 4001's gigantic army in an expedition against David 115 in Georgia; but they were crushed in battle by the Georgians with enormous losses (:) Walter the Chancellor 2.16
David IV (II) "the builder", king of Georgia (David 115)
  • He defended Georgia against a huge invasion by Ilghazi 4001 and Anonymus 858; his defensive position was heavily wooded, between two hills, he summoned divine aid and had 200 Franks in the van; he at once scattered the invaders at and won a great victory with heavy casualties (:) Walter the Chancellor 2.16
Najm al-Din Ilghazi, the Urtuqid (Ilghazi 4001)
  • [In 1121] he again assembled a gigantic army, and this time decided to pursue his anti-Christian goals by attacking David 115 in Georgia with Anonymus 858; he attacked David's wooded defensive position between two hills, but suffered a crushing defeat and heavy losses (:) Walter the Chancellor 2.16
  • He barely escaped from his defeat in Georgia, and reached home with a few men, escorted by Dubais 4001, exhausted, unarmed and hungry (:) Walter the Chancellor 2.16