Campaign of Symeon protovestiarios & Niketas of Mistheia ended in the capture of 'Azaz

Niketas of Mistheia captured 'Irqa with many prisoners, burning the town, then destroyed the village of Kurin, whose people had raided Roman territory. He then returned to Antioch. From there, he joined Symeon the protovestiarios in a siege of 'Azaz, which they captured. They avoided attacking the inhabitants, who had taken refuge in a valley nearby, as a sign of friendship towards Nasr of Aleppo, who had offered his loyalty 
1030 December 28 
krites (?), envoy of Romanos III to Nasr and Thimal of Aleppo (Anonymus 564)
  • Was sent by Romanos 3 to the sons of Salih 101 (Nasr 101, Thimal 101) with a letter warning them of the danger of losing Aleppo to their enemies because of their young age, asking for the city to be handed to him, and promising them lands and money (:) قد أنفذ رسولاً قاضيًا الى ابنى صالح ... Yahya al-Antaki 494
Niketas of Mistheia, doux of Antioch (Niketas 102)
  • Captured many prisoners at 'Irqa which he ravaged and set on fire, destroyed the village of Kurin whose inhabitants raided Rum territory, and returned to Antioch from where he accompanied Symeon 101 on an expedition against 'Azaz which they captured (:) وقصد عرقا وسبى منها عددًا كثيرًا ... Yahya al-Antaki 506
  • Avoided attacking the villagers who had sought refuge in a valley because of the message from Nasr 101 who had offered his loyalty and undertook to promote good relations between him and the emperor (Romanos 3) (:) فعدلا عنهم ولم يضرّا بشىء آخر من بلدان ابن صالح إبقاء عليه لما تقدّم من مكاتباته ... Yahya al-Antaki 506-8
Symeon, droungarios under Konstantinos VIII (Symeon 101)
  • Marched against 'Azaz with Niketas 102, besieged and captured the fortress, then left and avoided attacking the villagers who had sought refuge in a nearby valley because of the message from Nasr 101 who had offered his loyalty (in kanun al-awwal of the year 1342 which is du al-higgah of the year 421 (December 1030):فى كانون الأول سنة ألف وثلاثمائة واثنين وأربعين وهو ذو الحجّة سنة إحدى وعشرين وأربعمائة) ووافى سيمون الابروطوسبتيار بالعساكر لغزو اعزاز واجتمع مع نيقيطا ... وسارا اليها ونازلاها ... وملك الروم الربض ... وقاتلوا الحصن... Yahya al-Antaki 506