Successes of Niketas of Mistheia followed by failure to capture al-Maniqa

Niketas of Mistheia decided to settle the issue of the forts once and for all, offering generous terms for their surrender, but to no avail. He besieged Balatunus and it was surrendered by Ibn al-Ahmar. Niketas installed a garrison and improved the defences. He went on to the fort of the Banu Ghannaj, which was surrendered to him in return for safe passage. He besieged and demolished the fort of Ibn al-Kashih. But he was less successful at al-Maniqa, a major goal of the expedition. Nasr ibn Musharraf burned the siege machines during the night, and Niketas, with Symeon the droungarios, was forced to retire, planning to return with better equipment. On the way back to Antioch Niketas captured prisoners and cattle at 'Irqa 
Ibn al-Kashih (Kashih 101)
  • His fort was captured and demolished by Niketas 102 (:) ثمّ ملك أيضًا حصن ابن الكاشح وأخربه Yahya al-Antaki 508
Nasr ibn Musharraf, Arab opponent of Antioch (Mousaraph 101)
  • Refused the offer of a generous reward from Niketas 102 in exchange for his loyalty and the handover of his forts, which Niketas subsequently attacked (2 days after the return of the emperor's envoy (Anonymus 564) from Aleppo (April/May 1031):بعد يومين من وصوله) فلم يذعنوا الى ذلك ... سار ... لقتال حصونهم Yahya al-Antaki 508
  • Ran during the night out of his fort of Menikos, besieged by Symeon 101 and Niketas 102 following orders from Romanos 3, burnt their siege machines, and chased them away (:) καὶ τούτους ἐκεῖθεν αἰσχρῶς ἀπεδίωξεν Skylitzes 382.64-66
Niketas of Mistheia, doux of Antioch (Niketas 102)
  • Appointed ruler (doux) of Antioch by Romanos 3, he was ordered to attack the fort of al-Maniqa to deliver Syria from Mousaraph 101's raids, but when he stupidly attempted to lay siege Mousaraph burnt the siege machines at night and chased him away: in association with Symeon 101 (:) ἀφυῶς δὲ τούτων καὶ ἀμαθῶς ἐπιχειρησάντων τῇ πολιορκίᾳ Skylitzes 382.59-66
  • Decided to settle the affairs regarding Mousaraph 101 and the Banu al-Ahmar and the Banu Ghannaj, to secure their loyalty and the handover of forts in their hands, and promised to reward them generously, but they refused and he attacked their forts (2 days after the return of the emperor's envoy (Anonymus 564) from Aleppo (April/May 1031):بعد يومين من وصوله) اجتهد ... فى إصلاح نصر بن مشرّف وبنى الأحمر وبنى أبى غناج ورجوعهم على الطاعة وتسليمهم الحصون ... فلم يذعنوا الى ذلك ... سار ... لقتال حصونهم Yahya al-Antaki 508
  • Besieged the fort of Balatunus but Ibn al-Ahmar (Ahmar 101) surrendered it to him in exchange for safe passage to muslim territory, installed a garrison which he ordered to improve its defences, and proceeded to the fort of the Banu Ghannaj (:) فنزل على حصن ابلاطنس الذى أنشأه ابن الأحمر ... فسلّمه اليه بالأمان على أن ينصرف ... الى بلد المسلمين فأجابه Yahya al-Antaki 508
  • Was handed the fort of the Banu Ghannaj on condition that its occupants would be allowed safe passage to Muslim territory, had it demolished, captured and pulled down the fort of Kashih 101, and besieged but failed to capture the fort of al-Maniqa (:) فسلّموه اليه أيضًا على ذلك الشرط فأخربه الى الأرض إذ لا فائدة فيه ثمّ ملك أيضًا حصن ابن الكاشح وأخربه وسار الى حصن المنيقة ونازله وقاتله فلم يتمّ له أخذه Yahya al-Antaki 508-9
  • Abandoned the siege of al-Maniqa planning to return with better equipment, left for 'Irqa where he captured many prisoners and cattle, and returned to Antioch (:) ورأى معاودته بما يقتضيه قتاله من الآلات والعدد أولى ورحل عنه الى عرقا وسبى فيها أيضًا جماعة ... وانكفأ الى أنطاكية Yahya al-Antaki 510
Symeon, droungarios under Konstantinos VIII (Symeon 101)
  • Appointed domestikos of the scholai by Romanos 3, he was ordered to attack the fort of Menikos to deliver Syria from Mousaraph 101's raids, but when he stupidly attempted to lay siege Mousaraph burnt the siege machines at night and chased him away: in association with Niketas 102 (:) ἀφυῶς δὲ τούτων καὶ ἀμαθῶς ἐπιχειρησάντων τῇ πολιορκίᾳ Skylitzes 382.59-66