Both Bulgarian rebel armies united behind Deljan, killing Tichomir

Peter Deljan sent friendly letters to his fellow Bulgarian rebel, Tichomir, inviting him to joint rule. But when the two men's armies were united, Deljan assembled them all and made a speech, saying that the country could never prosper with dual rule and they must choose between himself (a kinsman of tsar Samuel) and Tichomir. They proclaimed Deljan and Tichomir they stoned to death. Peter sent troops to capture the fort of Basilis and advanced on Thessalonike to face Michael IV 
Petros (Peter) Deljan, Bulgarian rebel (Petros 102)
  • Sent friendly letters to Tichomir 101 (proclaimed emperor of Bulgaria by the troops of Dyrrachion) suggesting that they form an alliance, and when the latter joined him he summoned everyone and asked them to choose between himself and Tichomir (:) Skylitzes 410.24-33
  • Proclaimed sole leader of the troops, he assumed power after Tichomir 101's stoning to death; he sent troops to capture the fort of Basilis and advanced on Thessalonike to face the emperor (Michael 4), who hastily fled to Constantinople (:) αὐτὸν βούλονται ἔχειν ἔφασαν αὐτοκράτορα ἀρχηγόν Skylitzes 410.33-411.40
  • The Bulgarians were divided, some streaming to him, others to Teichomeros (Tichomir 101) (:) Zonaras 17.17.8
  • When the two leaders (Petros 102 and Tichomir 101) were united and the mass of the Bulgars had been gathered, he said to those assembled that the nation of the Bulgars would never be saved while it had two leaders at the helm (:) Zonaras 17.17.11
  • Said to the assembled Bulgars, "If you wish for your own salvation, put one of us out of the way. So if you know that I am of the family of Samuel, get rid of Teichomeros (Tichomir 101). But otherwise, subject yourselves to him and make away with me." (:) Zonaras 17.17.12
  • After Petros 102 had spoken, a shout arose and all acclaimed his rule, while Teichomeros (Tichomir 101) was stoned (:) Zonaras 17.17.13
Tichomir, Bulgarian rebel (Tichomir 101)
  • Was stoned to death λίθους ἄραντες λιθολευστοῦσι τὸν ἄθλιον Τειχομηρόν Skylitzes 411.35
  • When the rebel (Bulgarian) troops chose as their sole leader Deljan (Petros 102), following the latter's exhortation to choose between himself and Tichomir, he was stoned to death (:) Skylitzes 410.33-411.36
  • The Bulgarians were divided, some streaming to Petros 102, others to him (:) Zonaras 17.17.8
  • When the two leaders (Petros 102 and Tichomir 101) were united and the mass of the Bulgars had been gathered, Petros 102 said to those assembled that the nation of the Bulgars would never be saved while it had two leaders at the helm (:) Zonaras 17.17.11
  • Petros 102 said to the assembled Bulgars, "If you wish for your own salvation, put one of us out of the way. So if you know that I am of the family of Samuel, get rid of him. But otherwise, subject yourselves to him and make away with me." (:) Zonaras 17.17.12
  • After Petros 102 had spoken, a shout arose and all acclaimed his rule, while Teichomeros (Tichomir 101) was stoned (:) Zonaras 17.17.12