Psellos took over a house vacated by Konstantinos (X): beginning of their friendship

Psellos needed a more brilliant way of life and a better house, like that of Konstantinos (X). Konstantinos IX was energetic on Psellos' behalf and arranged an exchange of houses, which united Psellos and Konstantinos (X) in friendship. This was increased by their mutual love of eloquence. They met often, and Psellos praised Konstantinos. 
Emperor Konstantinos X Doukas (Konstantinos 10)
  • Michael 61 was a prominent orator, renowned for his eloquence rather than his family; he also loved rhetoric passionately and this was the starting-point of their friendship and intimacy ἤνθουν μὲν τηνικαῦτα ἐπὶ τοὺς λόγους ἐγώ, ..., λόγων δὲ ἐραστὴς ἐκεῖνος εἴπερ τις ἄλλος θερμότατος· τοῦτο οὖν μοι πρῶτον ἀφορμὴ φιλίας πρὸς ἐκεῖνον ἐγεγόνει καὶ οἰκειότητος Psellos: Chronographia VIIa 7.3-7
  • Having once met in eloquence and tested one another out, he and Michael 61 felt mutual admiration; they became so attached that they often visited one another and delighted in the charms of friendship (:) παρ’ ἀλλήλοις φοιτᾶν καὶ φιλικῶν χαρίτων κατατρυφᾶν Psellos: Chronographia VIIa 7.7-10
  • Michael 61 needed a more brilliant way of life and a more showy house, like that of Konstantinos; Konstantinos 9 was energetic on Psellos' behalf and exchanged his house; for this reason Psellos and Doukas were united in stronger friendship (:) εἰς ἀκριβεστέραν φιλίαν ἀλλήλους ἀπὸ ταύτης ἑνοῖ τῆς προφάσεως Psellos: Chronographia VIIa 7.15-19
  • Michael 61 had the greatest confidence in him in all circumstances and recommended him thoroughly to Konstantinos 9, giving his tongue free reign in praise; in this way he benefited him (:) ἀδεέστερον δὲ αὐτῷ συνῆν ἐφ’ ἅπασι τοῖς καιροῖς Psellos: Chronographia VIIa 7.19-22
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He needed a more brilliant way of life and a more distinguished house; Konstantinos 9 was energetic on his behalf and exchanged for him the house of Konstantinos 10; for this reason he and the latter were united in stronger friendship (:) ἐπεὶ δέ μοι λαμπροτέρου ἐδέησε σχήματος καὶ περιφανεστέρας οἰκίας Psellos: Chronographia VII 7.15-19
  • He had the greatest confidence in Konstantinos 10 in all circumstances and pictured him clearly to Konstantinos 9, giving his tongue free reign in his praise, benefitting him (:) ἐφιεὶς τῇ γλώττῃ τὰ πρὸς εὐφημίαν Psellos: Chronographia VIIa 7.19-22
  • He was a prominent orator, renowned for his eloquence rather than his family; Konstantinos 10 also loved rhetoric passionately and this was the starting-point of their friendship and intimacy ἤνθουν μὲν τηνικαῦτα ἐπὶ τοὺς λόγους ἐγώ, καί με ἡ γλῶττα μᾶλλον ἢ τὸ γένος ἐκήρυττε, λόγων δὲ ἐραστὴς ἐκεῖνος ..., τοῦτο οὖν μοι πρῶτον ἀφορμὴ φιλίας πρὸς ἐκεῖνον ἐγεγόνει καὶ οἰκειότητος Psellos: Chronographia VIIa 7.3-7
  • Having once met in eloquence and tested one another out, he and Konstantinos 10 felt mutual admiration; they became so attached that they often visited one another and delighted in the charms of friendship (:) παρ’ ἀλλήλοις φοιτᾶν καὶ φιλικῶν χαρίτων κατατρυφᾶν Psellos: Chronographia VIIa 7.7-10