Michael Psellos appointed proedros of the philosophers by Konstantinos IX

At a similar time to the foundation of the school of law with a nomophylax, Psellos was appointed as proedros of the philosophers. He was congratulated by Ioannes Mauropous 
Emperor Konstantinos IX Monomachos (Konstantinos 9)
  • After his victory over the Rus' he took care of the state, founded a School of Law and appointed a Guardian of the Law at its head (Michael 61), was concerned with philosophy and appointed a Proedros of the Philosophers (Anonymus 5041) (:) τῶν πολιτικῶν πραγμάτων ἡδέως ἀντείχετο Attaleiates: History 21.15-20 / 17.18-22
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • Was appointed Proedros of the Philosophers by Konstantinos 9 Monomachos (:) πρόεδρον τῶν φιλοσόφων προχειρισάμενος Attaleiates: History 21.19-20 / 17.21-22
  • Was sent a letter by Ioannes 289 Mauropous congratulating him for his appointment to a teaching chair and offering his help (:) τὴν τοῦ διδασκαλικοῦ παράληψιν θρόνου Mauropous: Letters 99-101