Visit of Nikolaos of Horaia Pege to his kinsman Konstantinos IX

Nikolaos of Horaia Pege was a kinsman of Konstantinos IX, but concealed the fact, even when Konstantinos became emperor. Konstantinos took the initiative, asking Psellos, the most skilled of his learned men, to write a letter of invitation to the capital. Nikolaos came, the two relatives met, and Psellos too had an opportunity for conversation and the development of mutual respect and admiration with Nikolaos. He would go to Nikolaos' monastery after its founder’s death 
1048 (Uncertain) 
Emperor Konstantinos IX Monomachos (Konstantinos 9)
  • He invited Nikolaos 2106 with a letter of Michael 61 to visit him in the capital; he came, the two relatives met, and Psellos too had an opportunity for conversation and the development of mutual respect and admiration with Nikolaos (:) Psellos Nikolaos of Horaia Pege 810-849
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He invited Nikolaos 2106 to visit Konstantinos 9 in the capital; Psellos met Nikolaos, an opportunity for conversation and the development of mutual respect and admiration; he later arrived on Olympos after Nikolaos' death (:) Psellos Nikolaos of Horaia Pege 810-849
Nikolaos, founder of monastery of Horaia Pege (Nikolaos 2106)
  • He concealed his family link to Konstantinos IX, especially when he became emperor; but Konstantinos decided to write to him to invite him to the capital; the task fell to Michael 61, the most skilled of his learned men (:) Psellos Nikolaos of Horaia Pege 810-827
  • He received Michael 61's invitation to visit Konstantinos 9 in the capital; he and Psellos met, giving an opportunity for conversation and the development of mutual respect and admiration (:) Psellos Nikolaos of Horaia Pege828-849