Psellos asked Romanos, once a fellow-student, for schedographia exercises, as two of his pupils had finished all his own

Two enthusiastic students of Psellos had nearly finished the schedographia exercises of their teacher, and demanded more. Psellos applied for help to Romanos, the schedographia expert who had been a fellow-student. He hoped he would remember the connection and send some of his exercises 
1050 (Uncertain) 
two enthusiastic students of Michael Psellos (Anonymi 2113)
  • They had nearly finished the schedographia exercises of their teacher, Michael 61, and demanded more; Psellos applied to Romanos 2103, the schedographia expert who had been a fellow-student (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 16, 19.20-20.19
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He hoped that Romanos 2103 remembered their friendship as students and would do him a favour; Anonymi 2113 had done nearly all PsellosÂ’ exercises in schedographia and wanted more; he thought at once of Romanos, the schedographia expert (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 16, 19.20-20.19
  • He wrote to Romanos 2103 asking for exercises in schedographia Psellos Letters (K - D) 16, 19.20-20.19
Romanos, former fellow-student of Michael Psellos (Romanos 2103)
  • He was reminded by Michael 61 of their friendship as students and asked for a favour; Anonymi 2113 had done nearly all PsellosÂ’ exercises in schedographia and wanted more; he thought at once of Romanos, the schedographia expert (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 16, 19.20-20.19