His pupil Kyritzes said that in criticising Psellos he roused a wasp; Psellos waspishly denied this

Kyritzes, a pupil of Psellos, said he would provoke a wasp by criticising him. Despite attacks by Psellos, he felt he was emerging from his master's shadow, particularly in his speciality of law. Psellos, furious at Kyritzes' letter, attacked it for plagiarism, imprecise wording and inappropriate images; he told Kyritzes to return as his pupil, but claimed to have taken his words seriously and given a model reply. In another letter, he first compared his own art with painting - e.g. under-drawing in his logoi. Then he criticised Kyritzes' antilogia: in philosophy, why oppose Psellos? Law was Kyritzes' best subject. In rhetoric he followed Demosthenes, whom Psellos disliked. In a third letter, after speaking of antilogia, a long complaint (not without bitterness) that Kyritzes called him a wasp; links between pupil, teacher and wasps were explored, concluding that Kyritzes had roused against himself not a wasp but a lion 
1052 (Uncertain) 
Kyritzes, student of Michael Psellos (Anonymus 2348)
  • His antilogia were criticised by Michael 61: in philosophy, why oppose Psellos himself? law was Kyritzes’ best subject; in rhetoric he followed Demosthenes, whom Psellos disliked (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 27, 34.19-35.23
  • After sentences on antilogia, a long letter complaining (not without bitterness) that he had called Michael 61 a wasp; links between pupil, teacher and wasps were explored, concluding that Kyritzes had aroused aginst him not a wasp but a lion (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 28, 35.24-41.23
  • He, as a pupil of Michael 61, said he would provoke a wasp against himself by criticising him; despite attacks on him by Psellos, he felt that he was emerging from his master's shadow, particularly in his speciality of law (:) σφηκίαν ἐγείρω κατ῾ ἐμαυτοῦ Psellos Letters (K - D) 209, 243.1-244.28
  • His letter was attacked by Michael 61 for plagiarism, imprecise wording and inappropriate images; he was told to return as Psellos’ pupil, yet claimed to have taken his words seriously and given a model reply (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 210, 245.1-247.8
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He first compared his own art with painting - e.g. under-drawing in his logoi; then he criticised Anonymus 2348’s antilogia: in philosophy, why oppose Psellos? law was his best subject; in rhetoric he followed Demosthenes, whom Psellos disliked (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 27, 34.19-35.23
  • After sentences on antilogia, a long letter complaining (not without bitterness) that Anonymus 2348 called him a wasp; links between pupil, teacher and wasps were explored, concluding that Kyritzes had aroused against himself not a wasp but a lion (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 28, 35.24-41.23
  • He was criticised by Anonymus 2348, who said he would provoke a wasp against himself by the letter; despite attacks on him by Psellos, he felt that he was emerging from his master's shadow, particularly in his speciality of law (:) σφηκίαν ἐγείρω κατ῾ ἐμαυτοῦ Psellos Letters (K - D) 209, 243.1-244.28
  • Furious at the action of Anonymus 2348, he attacked his letter for plagiarism, imprecise wording and inappropriate images; he told Kyritzes to return as his pupil, but claimed to have taken his words seriously and given a model reply (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 210, 245.1-247.8