At the time of Psellos' trial, Leon Paraspondylos' friendship was a rare consolation for him

Psellos at the time of his trial wrote to Leon Paraspondylos with many Homeric and biblical images of death. As a living corpse he called mourners, but none came. His mind and senses (listed) were paralysed. His foes after his death still attacked his corpse. He expected salvation, but there was none. He told Leon he was totally dependent on friends and the idea of friendship. His only consolation was writing to friends, especially Leon, ending with a eulogy of him 
Leon Paraspondylos (Leon 62)
  • He received a letter from Michael 61 with many different images of despair at the time of his trial and praise of the idea of friendship; Psellos’ only consolation was writing to friends, especially Leon, ending with a eulogy of him (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 118.365-367
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He wrote to Leon 62 with many desperate images of death Psellos Letters (Sathas) 118.365-367
  • He wrote in despair to Leon 62 when he was on trial: as a living corpse he called mourners, but none came; mind and senses (listed) were paralysed; his foes after death still attacked his corpse; he expected salvation, but there was none (:) οὕτω τῆς παντεφόρου δίκης δικαιωσάσης δίκας ὑπέχειν με μέχρι τέλους Psellos Letters (Sathas) 118.365-366
  • After many desperate images with Homeric and biblical words of death, he told Leon 62 he was totally dependent on friends and the idea of friendship; his only consolation was writing to friends, especially Leon, ending with a eulogy of him (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 118.366-367