Psellos became the confidant of Theodora - as far as the envy of others would permit

Even when Konstantinos IX was alive, if Theodora wished to write a secret letter or do something confidential, she would discuss it with Psellos. On becoming empress she immediately summoned Psellos, tragically articulated her sufferings under Konstantinos, confided secret plans, urged him to visit her often and to tell her everything he knew. When Psellos complied, it aroused jealousy. Rivals told tales against him, finding fault with his monastic status and solitary life. Psellos realized this and visited her less often, so that she reproached him for slowness and accused him of scorning her orders. [It is hard to reconcile this report with the fact that Psellos spent much of the relevant time in a monastery on Mt. Olympos. This evidence may been used, with much else, to suggest that Psellos exaggerated his contact with the emperors under whom he lived.] 
Emperor Konstantinos IX Monomachos (Konstantinos 9)
  • Even when he was alive, if Theodora 1 wished to write a secret letter or do something else confidential, she would communicate to Michael 61 her thinking and her plan (:) καὶ ἐπιζῶντι τῷ βασιλεῖ Psellos: Chronographia VIa 13.9-12
  • On becoming empress Theodora 1 ... tragically articulated to Michael 61 her sufferings under him ἐκτραγῳδεῖ μὲν καὶ ἃ παρὰ τοῦ γαμβροῦ πεπόνθει Psellos: Chronographia VIa 13.4-6
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • On becoming empress Theodora 1 immediately summoned him, tragically articulated her sufferings under Konstantinos 9, confided secret plans, urged him to visit her often and not to conceal from her anything he knew (:) εἴ τί γε τῶν πάντων εἰδείην μηδὲν ἐπικαλύπτειν αὐτῇ Psellos: Chronographia VIa 13.4-9
  • When he visited Theodora 1, as she had ordered, it aroused jealousy; when those who were there first could not tell tales against him, they found fault with his monastic habit and his solitary life (:) ἐπειδὴ μηδέν τι λογοποιῆσαι οἱ φθάσαντες δεδύνητο κατ᾿ ἐμοῦ Psellos: Chronographia VIa 14.1-4
  • When he realized what had happened, he visited less often, but Theodora 1 again changed her ways, reproached him for his slowness and accused him of scorning her orders (:) κατωνείδιζέ τε τῆς βραδυτῆτος καὶ κατῃτιᾶτο ὡς τῶν ἐκείνης κατολιγωροῦντα προστάξεων Psellos: Chronographia VIa 14.6-10
  • When Theodora 1 became empress, it was no the first time she consulted him: even when Konstantinos 9 was alive, if she wished to write a secret letter or do something else confidential she would communicate to him her thinking and her plan (:) ἐμοὶ ἐκοινώνει τοῦ λόγου καὶ τοῦ βουλεύματος Psellos: Chronographia VIa 13.9-12
Empress Theodora (Theodora 1)
  • On becoming empress she immediately summoned Michael 61, tragically articulated her sufferings under Konstantinos 9, confided secret plans, urged him to visit her often and not to conceal from her anything he knew (:) κοινωνεῖ δέ μοι καὶ βουλευμάτων τινῶν ἀπορρήτων Psellos: Chronographia VIa 13.4-9
  • When Michael 61 visited her, as she had ordered, it aroused jealousy; when those who were there first could not tell tales against him, they found fault with his monastic habit and his solitary life (:) ἐπεὶ δ᾿ οὖν ἀφικόμην, ὥς μοι προστέτακτο, βασκαίνομαι τῆς ἀφίξεως Psellos: Chronographia VIa 14.1-4
  • When Michael 61 realized what had happened, he visited less often, but she again changed her ways, reproached him for his slowness and accused him of scorning her orders (:) ἡ βασιλὶς αὖθις μεταβαλλομένη Psellos: Chronographia VIa 14.6-10
  • She did not first consult Michael 61 when she became empress: even when Konstantinos 9 was alive, if she wished to write a secret letter or do something else confidential she would communicate with him on her thinking and her plan (:) εἴ τι γράψειν ἀπόρρητον βούλοιτο ἢ ἄλλο τι ποιήσειν τῶν κεκρυμμένων Psellos: Chronographia VIa 13.9-12
  • She was persuaded by (those who criticised Michael 61) and took care to share with them the same familiarity and intimacy as with him (:) εὐλαβεῖτο δὲ ἄλλως ἐκείνους τῆς αὐτῆς κοινωνεῖν ὁμιλίας καὶ οἰκειώσεως Psellos: Chronographia VIa 14.4-6