Psellos & Anastasios Lizix sought an interview with Leon Paraspondylos to solve their problems

Psellos wrote to Leontios the patrikios over advice sent him from Leontios via Anastasios Lizix about writing to Leon Paraspondylos. Psellos did write, and Lizix was sent back to Leontios with a model follow-up letter for him to dispatch to Leon. Psellos said he had written to Leon in a middle style, which he knew would succeed, though not at first: Leon had charmed Theodora (?) and her circle, but Psellos had no time for rejoicing (?). The letter Psellos sent has also survived. It flattered Leon, claiming the same relation to him as Leon had to God; it recalled past friendship, asked Leon to decide between the earthly and the heavenly, and requested a personal interview for himself and Lizix, at which their problems would be solved 
Anastasios Lizix, patrikios, krites and vestarches (Anastasios 2101)
  • He brought advice from Leontios 2101 to Michael 61 on writing to Leon 62; Psellos did write, and then Lizix was sent back to Leontios with a model follow-up letter to be depatched to Leon (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 10.240-241
  • His name was included by Michael 61 in the first person of a request for a personal interview with Leon 62, at which their problems would be solved (:) Psellos Letters (Papaioannou) 110.19-21
Leon Paraspondylos (Leon 62)
  • He received a letter from Michael 61, claiming the same relation to Leon as Leon had to God; Psellos recalled past friendship, asked Leon to decide between the earthly and the heavenly, and requested a personal interview for himself and Anastasios 2101 (:) Psellos Letters (Papaioannou) 110.1-21
  • He received a letter in middle style from Michael 61, and would receive another from Leontios 2101 (?) based on a model by Psellos; he had succeeded in charming Theodora 1 and her circle (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 10.240-241
Leontios, patrikios, acquaintance of Michael Psellos (Leontios 2101)
  • He (anonymous in one ms) had advised Michael 61 via Anastasios 2101 to write to Leon 62, and Psellos had done so; Psellos suggested in a letter that he send Leon a follow-up missive similar to the model he sent with Anastasios 2101 (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 10.240-241
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He wrote to Leon 62, flattering him and requesting a personal interview for himself and Anastasios 2101 Πρὸς τὸν πρωτοσύγκελλον, φιλοσοφικώτερον Psellos Letters (Papaioannou) 110.1-21
  • He wrote to Leon 62, claiming the same relation to him as Leon had to God; he recalled past friendship, asked Leon to decide between the earthly and the heavenly, and requested a personal interview for himself and Anastasios 2101 (:) Psellos Letters (Papaioannou) 110.1-21
  • He told Leontios 2101 that, as advised by him via Anastasios 2101, he had written to Leon 62 in a middle style, which he knew would succeed, though not at first; Leon had charmed Theodora 1 (?), but Psellos had no time for rejoicing (?) (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 10.240-241
  • He wrote to Leontios 2101 that he had sent a letter to Leon 62, using a middle style Psellos Letters (Sathas) 10.240-241
Empress Theodora (Theodora 1)
  • She (personified by the moon?) had been charmed by Leon 62 (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 10.241