Psellos said he needed to see again an archmandrite whom he had met on Olympos

Psellos wrote to an archimandrite from Olympos about a need to visit him. Psellos no longer preferred mental to bodily contact; he often failed in mental visits to the archimandrite because he needed to enjoy him with his senses, even taking over his qualities - energy, freedom from sin and condemnation. He must see him again 
1055 (Uncertain) 
archimandrite and monk on Bithynian Olympos (Anonymus 2310)
  • He was the target of many failed mental visits by Michael 61, who even took over his qualities - energy, freedom from sin and condemnation; Psellos no longer preferred mental contact to use of all the senses, and needed to see him again (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 112, 141.1-24
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He no longer preferred mental to bodily contact; he often failed in mental visits to Anonymus 2310 because he needed to enjoy him with his senses, even taking over his qualities - energy, freedom from sin and condemnation; he must see him again (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 112, 141.1-24
  • He wrote to Anonymus 2310 about a need to visit him Psellos Letters (K - D) 112, 141.1-24