Failure of second attempt by eastern generals to gain promotion, via Strabospondylos

Leon Paraspondylos (Strabospondylos ) was approached by the eastern generals (Isaakios (I) Komnenos, Katakalon Kekaumenos, Konstantinos (X) Doukas, Ioannes Doukas and Michael Bourtzes), to mediate on their behalf with Michael VI over promotions. This was their second attempt, having failed in a direct approach to the emperor at Easter. They alone (they said) should not be left unrewarded when all benefited from Michael's generosity, especially as the rest lived comfortably, while they stood at arms, fighting for the Roman realm. He rejected their requests, and even sent them away with insults 
eastern commanders insulted by Michael VI (Anonymi 6032)
  • Tried to petition the emperor (Michael 6) through Leon 62: they alone should not be left unrewarded when all benefited from Michael 6's generosity, especially as the rest were comfortable, but they stood at arms, fighting for the Roman realm (:) Zonaras 18.2.1
  • Leon 62 not only failed to assuage their exasperation with words, but exasperated them even more, belittling each one and sending all away in dishonour (:) Zonaras 18.2.2
Ioannes Doukas, kaisar (Ioannes 62)
  • Thrown out by the emperor (Michael 6), he made a second attempt and approached the protosynkellos Leon 62 Strabospondylos to mediate on his behalf, complaining that it was unfair not to reward those who gave so much to the empire: in association with Isaakios 1 Komnenos, Katakalon 101 Kekaumenos, Michael 120 Bourtzes, Konstantinos 10 Doukas (:) Skylitzes 486.1-10
Emperor Isaakios I Komnenos (Isaakios 1)
  • Thrown out by the emperor (Michael 6), he made a second attempt and approached the protosynkellos Leon 62 Strabospondylos to mediate on his behalf, complaining that it was unfair not to reward those who gave so much to the empire: in association with Katakalon 101 Kekaumenos, Michael 120 Bourtzes, Konstantinos 10 Doukas and Ioannes 62 Doukas (:) Skylitzes 486.1-10
Katakalon Kekaumenos (Katakalon 101)
  • Thrown out by the emperor (Michael 6), he made a second attempt and approached the protosynkellos Leon 62 Strabospondylos to mediate on his behalf, complaining that it was unfair not to reward those who gave so much to the empire: in association with Isaakios 1 Komnenos, Michael 120 Bourtzes, Konstantinos 10 Doukas and Ioannes 62 Doukas (:) Skylitzes 486.1-10
Emperor Konstantinos X Doukas (Konstantinos 10)
  • Thrown out by the emperor (Michael 6), he made a second attempt and approached the protosynkellos Leon 62 Strabospondylos to mediate on his behalf, complaining that it was unfair not to reward those who gave so much to the empire: in association with Isaakios 1 Komnenos, Katakalon 101 Kekaumenos, Michael 120 Bourtzes and Ioannes 62 Doukas (:) Skylitzes 486.1-10
Leon Paraspondylos (Leon 62)
  • Approached by the eastern generals (Isaakios 1, Katakalon 101, Konstantinos 10, Ioannes 62, Michael 120) in order to mediate on their behalf with the emperor (Michael 6), not only did he reject their request, but he sent them away with insults (:) Skylitzes 486.2-12
  • Anonymi 6032 tried to petition the emperor (Michael 6) through him: they alone should not be left unrewarded when all benefited from Michael 6's generosity, especially as the rest were comfortable, but they stood at arms, fighting for the Roman realm (:) Zonaras 18.2.1
  • Those of the eastern commanders who had been insulted (Anonymi 6032) made yet another attempt and approached the protosynkellos Leon 62 who adminstered public affairs (:) Zonaras 18.2.1
  • Not only failed to assuage the mens' (Anonymi 6032) exasperation with words, but exasperated them even more, belittling each one and sending all away in dishonour (:) Zonaras 18.2.2
Emperor Michael VI Stratiotikos (Michael 6)
  • Anonymi 6032 tried to petition him through Leon 62: they alone should not be left unrewarded when all benefited from his generosity, especially as the rest were comfortable, but they stood at arms, fighting for the Roman realm (:) Zonaras 18.2.1
  • During his reign the generals, who were exposed to much more danger than the bureaucrats, resented the fact that the latter were rewarded by higher dignities; this developed into a rebellion lead by Isaakios Komnenos (:) Οὐ᾿ πάνυ τὸ στρατιωτικὸν πρὸς τοὺς πολιτευομένους ἡμᾶς συμβατικῶ῎ς καὶ ἀστείως εἶχεν ... Psellos Leichoudes 407
Michael Bourtzes, vestarches (Michael 120)
  • Thrown out by the emperor (Michael 6), he made a second attempt and approached the protosynkellos Leon 62 Strabospondylos to mediate on his behalf, complaining that it was unfair not to reward those who gave so much to the empire: in association with Isaakios 1 Komnenos, Katakalon 101 Kekaumenos, Konstantinos 10 Doukas and Ioannes 62 Doukas (:) Skylitzes 486.1-10