With Isaakios (I) near Nicaea, many opposing troops went home, while their generals rallied to Michael VI

Isaakios (I) intended to use Nicaea as a base of operations, and so he advanced slowly in order to allow troops and generals still loyal to Michael VI to leave. Among the latter were Lykanthes, Theophylaktos Maniakes and Pnyemios the Iberian, who withdrew from Nicaea when told of his arrival and went to Michael VI to announce the news. When Isaakios heard that the domestikos Theodoros and his men had encamped on Mount Sophon, he sent out spies everywhere, marched quickly, took Nicaea and installed an adequate garrison there while himself pitching camp twelve stades away. There were many desertions from Michael to Isaakios 
Emperor Isaakios I Komnenos (Isaakios 1)
  • Intending to use Nicaea as a base of operations he advanced slowly in order to allow any troops and generals still loyal to the emperor (Michael 6) to depart, and among the latter were Lykanthes 101, Theophylaktos 104 Maniakes and Pnyemios 101 (:) Skylitzes 492.56-67
  • He and those who had conspired with him (Anonymi 6032) assembled and turned to work, while the army registers streamed over to him from all directions: in association with Anonymi 6032 (:) Zonaras 18.2.13
  • Took Nicaea and installed an adequate garrison in it while himself pitching camp twelve stades outside (:) Zonaras 18.2.19
  • Anticipated the arrival of the imperial troops and took Nicaea, brought its people to his side, and left the city behind to advance against the enemy (the troops supporting the emperor Michael 6) (:) τῆς ἑαυτοῦ μερίδος ἀποδείξας τὸν ὄχλον Attaleiates: History 54.23-55.3 / 41.20-22
  • When he heard that the domestikos (Theodoros 105) and his men had encamped on Mount Sophon he sent out spies everywhere, marched quickly, captured Nicaea, left there his money and all surplus baggage, and encamped 12 stadia north of the city (:) Skylitzes 493.91-3
Lykanthes, military commander who captured Bryennios for blinding (Lykanthes 101)
  • Withdrew from Nicaea when informed of the arrival of Isaakios 1 Komnenos (who rose in rebellion against the emperor) and went to the emperor (Michael 6) to announce the news: in association with Theophylaktos 104, Pnyemios 101 (:) Skylitzes 492.62-67
Emperor Michael VI Stratiotikos (Michael 6)
  • The advance of Komnenos (Isaakios 1) towards Nicaea was announced to him by the generals still loyal to him who left the city and included Lykanthes 101, Theophylaktos 104 Maniakes, and Pnyemios 101 the Iberian (:) Skylitzes 492.62-67
  • His camp emptied and broke up as every day many deserted to Isaakios 1's ranks (:) τὸ δ᾿ ἡμέτερον στρατόπεδον ἐκενοῦτο καὶ διερρήγνυτο Psellos: Chronographia VII 11.16-18
Pnyemios the Iberian, general under Michael VI (Pnyemios 101)
  • Withdrew from Nicaea when informed of the arrival of Isaakios 1 Komnenos (who rose in rebellion against the emperor) and went to the emperor (Michael 6) to announce the news: in association with Lykanthes 101, Theophylaktos 104 (:) Skylitzes 492.62-67
Theophylaktos Maniakes, general under Michael VI (Theophylaktos 104)
  • Withdrew from Nicaea when informed of the arrival of Isaakios 1 Komnenos (who rose in rebellion against the emperor) and went to the emperor (Michael 6) to announce the news: in association with Lykanthes 101, Pnyemios 101 (:) Skylitzes 492.62-67