A letter from Ioannes Doukas (the future kaisar) from Edessa was very supportive of his brother Konstantinos (X)

Ioannes Doukas the kaisar praised his brother Konstantinos (X) before and after accession, especially in the letter Ioannes sent from Edessa. It was to be mentioned later in a letter from Psellos to encourage Ioannes, who feared that Konstantinos had become hostile to him 
1059 (Uncertain) 
Ioannes Doukas, kaisar (Ioannes 62)
  • He was praised without flattery by Psellos, who quoted Ioannes himself over his fear that Konstantinos 10 had become hostile; he had praised his brother before and after accession (cf the letter Ioannes sent from Edessa) (:) Psellos Letters (Gautier) 8.1-39
Emperor Konstantinos X Doukas (Konstantinos 10)
  • It was feared that his attitude to Ioannes 62 had become hostile, despite praise from Ioannes before and after his accession (including a letter from Edessa); he was a reserved man whose views could be misread (:) Psellos Letters (Gautier) 8.1-57
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • Ioannes 62, almost co-emperor of Konstantinos 10, was praised without flattery by Psellos; over IoannesÂ’ fear that his brother had become hostile, Psellos quoted Ioannes himself, who praised him before and after accession (cf the Edessa letter) (:) Psellos Letters (Gautier) 8.1-39