A woman with a rural problem was sent to explain it to a krites, Psellos' friend, as she would do so better than Psellos

Psellos claimed that he often wrote on simple events and persons, like the ancients. The rural woman who brought the letter to the krites, had a problem which Psellos left imprecise, as she could narrate it better than he could and have it examined. Psellos was sure his friend would help 
1060 (Uncertain) 
rural woman with a petition (Anonyma 2124)
  • She was given a letter by Michael 61 to introduce the rural problem she faced, and she delivered it to Anonymus 2235; she could describe her problem more precisely in person, and have it examined; Psellos was sure his friend would help (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 116.362-363
krites, correspondent of Michael Psellos (Anonymus 2235)
  • He was given a letter by Anonyma 2124 from Michael 61, to introduce the rural problem she faced; she could describe her problem more precisely in person, and have it examined; Psellos was sure his friend would help (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 116.362-363
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He often wrote on simple events and persons, like the ancients; Anonyma 2124, who brought the letter to Anonymus 2235, had a rural problem which he left imprecise, as she could narrate it and have it tested; he was sure his friend would help (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 116.362-363
  • He wrote to Anonymus 2235 about Anonyma 2124, who delivered the letter Psellos Letters (Sathas) 116.362-363