Psellos sent two men to the krites of Peloponnesos & Hellas, recommending that a third be sent home

Psellos recommended a man in exile for a tax offence to the krites of Peloponnesos & Hellas. He had many virtues, and if the krites could employ him it would be good for all three of them. He sent another man who, given a choice of themes as protonotarios, chose Hellas as its krites was Psellos' friend. He deserved a calm port in a storm, though merchants at the time made Attica very stormy. The third man was a dioiketes of Athens who disliked the place, being uneducated. Since he also failed to persuade Hellas to pay tax, he should be sent back to the capital, hopefully without too much loathing for the theme 
1060 (Uncertain) 
krites of Katotika (Peloponnesos and Hellas) (Anonymus 2168)
  • He received from Michael 61 a letter of recommendation for Anonymus 2169, an excellent man who was, however, in exile for a tax offence; he had many virtues, and if the krites could employ him it would be good for all three of them (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 74, 106.11-107.4 (Sathas 32.267-268)
  • Another recommendation reached him from Michael 61: Anonymus 2171, given a choice of themes as protonotarios, chose Hellas as its krites was Psellos’ friend; he deserved a calm port in a storm, though merchants than made Attica very stormy (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 34.268-269
  • He received a letter from Michael 61 that the dioiketes of Athens Anonymus 2168 disliked the city, being uneducated; since he also was unable to persuade the people of Hellas to pay taxes, he should be recalled to the capital, hopefully without too much loathing for Hellas (:) Psellos 
exile who had committed tax offence (Anonymus 2169)
  • He received a letter of recommendation from Michael 61 to Anonymus 2168, as an excellent man with many virtues; if the krites could employ him it would be good for all three of them (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 74, 106.11-107.4 (Sathas 32.267-268)
dioiketes of Athens (Anonymus 2170)
  • It was stated by Michael 61 to Anonymus 2168 that the dioiketes had taken a dislike to Athens, despite its past, being uneducated; he also failed to persuade Hellas to pay tax; he should be sent back to the capital, hopefully without too much loathing for Hellas (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 33.268
protonotarios who chose to serve in Hellas (Anonymus 2171)
  • Another recommendation of Michael 61 to Anonymus 2168: given a choice of themes as protonotarios, he selected Hellas since its krites was Psellos’ friend; he deserved a calm port in a storm, though merchants than made Attica very stormy (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 34.268-269
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He recommended Anonymus 2171 to Anonymus 2168 ἑλέσθαι ὃ βούλεται τῶν θεματικῶν πρωτονωταράτων Psellos Letters (Sathas) 34.268-269
  • He wrote to Anonymus 2168 to recommend Anonymus 2169, an excellent man, who was, however, in exile for a tax offence; he had many virtues, and if the krites could employ him it would be good for all three of them (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 74, 106.11-107.4 (Sathas 32.267-268)
  • He sent another recommendation to Anonymus 2168: Anonymus 2171, given a choice of themes as protonotarios, selected Hellas since its krites was Psellos’ friend; he deserved a calm port in a storm, though merchants than made Attica very stormy (:) ἑλέσθαι ὃ βούλεται τῶν θεματικῶν πρωτονωταράτων Psellos Letters (Sathas) 34.268-269
  • He wrote to Anonymus 2168 to recommend Anonymus 2169 Psellos Letters (K - D) 74, 106.11-107.4 (Sathas 32.267-268)
  • He wrote to Anonymus 2168 that Anonymus 2170 had taken a dislike to the city, despite its past, being uneducated; he also failed to persuade Hellas to pay tax; he should be sent back to the capital, hopefully without too much loathing for Hellas (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 33.268
  • He wrote to Anonymus 2168 about Anonymus 2170 Psellos Letters (Sathas) 33.268