Psellos wrote to the krites of Optimaton about an adminstrative change (?), which might be bad for a small theme

Psellos explained alternative views to the krites of Optimation. If a man who had applied to him was right, the problem was less serious. But if Psellos was right, the theme would lose a post (?) and so the krites should cancel the whole burden (?), or half, or another fraction 
1060 (Uncertain) 
krites of Optimaton (Anonymus 2187)
  • He received a letter from Michael 61, with variant views: Anonymus 2190 thought the problem less serious; but if Psellos was right, the theme would lose a post (?); the krites should cancel the whole burden (?), or half, or another fraction (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 60.291-292, (K - D) 106, 136.1-14
applicant in connection with Optimaton (Anonymus 2190)
  • In a letter from Michael 61 to Anonymus 2187 he was said to think that Optimaton would not lose a post (?), but asked the krites to avoid changes; Psellos disagreed over the post, asking the krites to cancel all or some of the burden (?) (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 60.291-292, (K - D) 106, 136.1-14
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He wrote to Anonymus 2187 discussing administrative arrangements in Optimaton καθίσματος [...] ταξεώτῃ Psellos Letters (Sathas) 60.291-292, (K - D) 106, 136.1-14
  • He explained the alternatives to Anonymus 2187: if Anonymus 2190 was right, the problem was less serious; if Psellos was right, the theme would lose a post (?) and the krites should cancel the whole burden (?), or half, or another fraction (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 60.291-292, (K - D) 106, 136.1-14
  • He wrote to Anonymus 2187 saying Optimaton would lose a post (?), serious in a theme which barely rated one magistrate’s asistant; however Anonymus 2190 claimed that no post would be lost, but asked the krites not to make changes (:) καθίσματος [...] ταξεώτῃ Psellos Letters (Sathas) 60.291-292, (K - D) 106, 136.1-14