An ex-vestes had given up wealth to enter a poor monastery; Psellos pleaded for the return of its confiscated estates

Psellos asked a krites to take special care of those once rich who entered poor monasteries, like that of Morocharzanes, chosen by Michael the ex-vestes. Its few properties, the monks' source of food, were removed on the pretext of some klasmatic land. He should restore the confiscated properties and prevent them being lost again, which would be disastrous for Michael 
1060 (Uncertain) 
krites, correspondent of Michael Psellos (Anonymus 2216)
  • He was asked by Michael 61 to look after Michael 2106; the krites should restore the confiscated properties of the Morocharzanes monastery which he had entered, and prevent them being lost again, which would be disastrous for Michael (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 99.342-343
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He asked Anonymus 2216 to take special care of those once rich who entered poor monasteries, like that of Morocharzanes, chosen by Michael 2106; its few properties, the monksÂ’ source of food, were removed on the pretext of some klasmatic land (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 99.342-343
  • He wrote to Anonymus 2216 about the rich Michael 2106 who entered the poor Morocharzanes monastery Psellos Letters (Sathas) 99.342-343
  • He requested that Anonymus 2216 restore the properties of the Morocharzanes monastery and prevent them being confiscated again, which would be disastrous for Michael 2106 (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 99.343
Michael, monk and former vestes (Michael 2106)
  • He was recommended by Michael 61 to Anonymus 2216; the krites should restore the confiscated properties of the Morocharzanes monastery and prevent them being lost again, which would be disastrous for Michael 2106 (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 99.342-343