Psellos education shared with a krites, & the dangers he faced with the local population; he asked him to aid Stylianos

Psellos said that he and the krites were united in love by more than shared lessons. He would like to fly like a bird to see him, as he was in danger from the local population, like all kritai, however just. Stylianos, a good friend, needed a kind word 
1060 (Uncertain) 
krites who had been a fellow-student of Michael Psellos (Anonymus 2340)
  • He and Michael 61 were united in love by more than lessons; Psellos would like to fly to see him, as he was in danger from the local population, like all kritai, however just; he should speak a kind word to Stylianos 2101, PsellosÂ’ friend (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 11, 12.12-13.23
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He and Anonymus 2340 were united in love by more than lessons; he would like to fly like a bird to see him, as he was in danger from the local population, like all kritai, however just; Stylianos 2101, a good friend, needed a kind word (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 11, 12.12-13.23
  • He wrote to Anonymus 2340, thinking of dangers from the local population Psellos Letters (K - D) 11, 12.12-13.23
Stylianos, friend of Michael Psellos (Stylianos 2101)