The owner of the Melias monastery wanted to pay tax in the capital; Psellos told him to sign an assurance for his krites

Psellos asked on behalf of the vestarches owner of Melias that his monastery should not suffer through the monoprosopon which was owed, as he promised to pay in the capital. Psellos told him to send the krites of Opsikion signed confirmation of his promise. The krites should aid the monastery and its petty properties, because its owner was without a protector; favours would be sought and paid to help him 
1060 (Uncertain) 
vestarches, owner of monastery of Melias (Anonymus 2400)
  • He asked that Melias should not suffer through the monoprosopon owed, promising to pay in the capital; Psellos told him to send a signed assurance to Anonymus 2401, who should aid Melias and its petty properties, as its owner was unprotected (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 81, 111.7-22
krites of Opsikion (Anonymus 2401)
  • He would have from Anonymus 2400 signed confirmation of his promise to pay in the capital the monoprosopon owed; Michael 61 asked him to aid Melias and its petty properties, as its owner was unprotected; favours would be sought and paid for him (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 81, 111.7-22
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He asked on behalf of Anonymus 2400 that Melias should not suffer through the monoprosopon owed, promising to pay in the capital; Psellos told him to send Anonymus 2401 signed confirmation of his promise (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 81, 111.7-15
  • He asked Anonymus 2401 to assist Anonymus 2400 and his monastery Melias Psellos Letters (K - D) 81, 111.7-22
  • Anonymus 2401 (he said) should aid the monastery and its petty properties, because Anonymus 2400 was without a protector; favours would be sought and paid to help him (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 81, 111.15-22