Psellos' protegé was well treated by the kourator of Cyprus; but why did latter stay in Cyprus, with hot weather & low profits?

From the kourator of Cyprus' letter Psellos pictured him better than a painting, as if speaking face to face. Psellos rejoiced that his protegé, for whom he asked a favour, got more in Cyprus than he requested, agreed he had asked too little, yet justified his caution. He showed the kourator's letter to a friend, who wept at its goodness. But the kourator's words still needed action: why stay in Cyprus, far from home and emperor, where summer was hot and profits low? He must return 
1060 (Uncertain) 
kourator of Cyprus (Anonymus 2477)
  • His letter was shown to Anonymus 2479, who wept at its goodness; but his words still needed action: why stay in Cyprus, far from home and emperor, where summer was hot and profits low? he must return (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 159, 186.9-187.5
  • His letter pictured him to Michael 61 better than a painting, as if speaking face to face; Psellos rejoiced that his protegé had received more from the kourator than he requested, agreed he had asked too little, yet justified his caution (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 159, 185.5-186.9
protegé of Michael Psellos in Cyprus (Anonymus 2478)
  • A favour had been asked for him by Michael 61 from Anonymus 2477 and he received more than he requested, so that Psellos agreed he had asked too little (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 159, 185.5-186.9
friend of Michael Psellos to whom he showed a letter (Anonymus 2479)
  • He was shown the letter of Anonymus 2477 by Michael 61, read it several times and wept at its goodness (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 159, 186.9-14
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He showed the letter of Anonymus 2477 to Anonymus 2479, who wept at its goodness; but the kourator’s words still needed action: why stay in Cyprus, far from home and emperor, where summer was hot and profits low? he must return (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 159, 186.9-187.5
  • He received a letter from Anonymus 2477 about Anonymus 2478, and replied Psellos Letters (K - D) 159, 185.5-187.5
  • From Anonymus 2477’s letter he pictured him better than a painting, as if speaking face to face; Psellos rejoiced that Anonymus 2478, for whom he asked a favour, got more than he requested, agreed he had asked too little, yet justified his caution (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 159, 185.5-186.9