Psellos thanked a krites over favours for his relatives, though excuses were available; he wanted to reciprocate

Psellos told the krites that purest friendship and kinship meant to carry out perfectly favours asked by friends and relations. If the krites had sought excuses, plenty were available: he thanked him warmly and wanted to reciprocate 
1060 (Uncertain) 
relative of Michael Psellos (Anonymus 2511)
  • He was thanked by Michael 61 for carrying out perfectly (despite the availability of excuses) favours asked by his relatives, the mark of purest friendship and kinship' Psellos wanted to reciprocate (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 178, 199.23-200.5
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • Psellos wrote to Anonymus 2511 about perfection in kinship and friendship Psellos Letters (K - D) 178, 199.23-200.5
  • Psellos told Anonymus 2511 that purest friendship and kinship meant to carry out perfectly favours asked by friends and relations; if his relation had sought excuses, plenty were available; he thanked him warmly and wanted to reciprocate (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 178, 199.23-200.5