Psellos warned a friend that refusal of friendship from one so close could embitter him: but friendly gestures would be very welcome

Psellos warned a friend that friendship might turn to enmity, because Psellos had been so close and subservient to him. Any gesture of friendship would bring a joyful response, but refusal would lead to merciless taunts from Psellos 
1060 (Uncertain) 
friend of Michael Psellos who might become an enemy (Anonymus 2537)
  • He was warned by Michael 61 that friendship might turn to enmity, because Psellos had been close and subservient to him; any gesture of friendship would bring a joyful response, but refusal would lead to merciless taunts from Psellos (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 216, 258.21-259.24
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He threatened Anonymus 2537 that friendship might turn to enmity Psellos Letters (K - D) 216, 258.21-259.24
  • Friendship threatened to turn to enmity; if he were not close and subservient to Anonymus 2537, the time would not be so painful; any gesture of frienship would bring a joyful response, but refusal would lead to merciless taunts from Psellos (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 216, 258.21-259.24