Alopos asked Psellos about the relationships of the Basileioi & the Gregorioi, & received a long reply

Alopos asked Psellos about the onomastic relationships of the two Basileioi and the two Gregorioi, and received a long and elaborate reply  
1060 (Uncertain) 
Alopos, logothetes of the dromos (Anonymus 2614)
  • He asked Michael 61 about the onomastic relationships of the two Basileioi and the two Gregorioi, and received a long reply (:) Psellos Philosophica minora I, 17-22
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He replied to Anonymus 2614 about the onomastic relationships of the two Basileioi and the two Gregorioi Psellos Philosophica minora I, 17-22