Anastasios Lizix charmed Konstantinos X with his perfect manners; onset of his paralysing illness

Anastasios Lizix's adminstrative career took him to the far east and far west of the empire to assist different kritai, whilst in the capital he charmed Konstantinos X by his efficiency and perfect manners. But then he was struck by paralysis, which began from his feet and hands and spread more widely, caused great pain, immobilised him and kept him at home. The emperor arranged for him to be sent to an administrative post in Athens, a better climate for him than the capital, and an inspiring place for a learned man 
1061 (Uncertain) 
Anastasios Lizix, patrikios, krites and vestarches (Anastasios 2101)
  • His adminstrative career took him to the far east and far west of the empire to assist different kritai, whilst in the capital he charmed Konstantinos 10 by his efficiency and perfect manners; but then he was struck by paralysis (:) Psellos Monodies (Gautier) 109
  • His paralysing disease began from his feet and hands, caused great pain, immobilised him and kept him at home Οἱ μὲν γὰρ πόδες ὥσπερ ἄρθροις μὴ διαιρούμενοι μονοφυεῖς πως ἐδείκνυντο· οἱ δὲ τῶν χειρῶν δάκτυλοι, τοὺς ἐν μέσῳ δεσμοὺς ἀγνοήσαντες ... Psellos Monodies (Gautier) 109.80-110.95
Emperor Konstantinos X Doukas (Konstantinos 10)
  • He was charmed by the efficiency and good manners of Anastasios 2101, and when he became paralysed arranged for him to go to an administrative post in Athens, a better climate for him than the capital, and an inspiring place for a learned man (:) Psellos Monodies (Gautier) 109-110