The improvement in Lizix proved temporary, & a severe fever affected his breathing, bringing him near death

The temporary improvement which had appeared in the condition of Anastasios Lizix did not last long, and a severe fever set in, which affected his breathing and brought him near death. His last thoughts were for his mother's grief 
1063 (Uncertain) 
Anastasios Lizix, patrikios, krites and vestarches (Anastasios 2101)
  • However the temporary improvement did not last long, and a severe fever set in, which affected his breathing and brought him near death; his last thoughts were for his mother's grief (:) Psellos Monodies (Gautier) 111
mother of Anastasios Lizix (Anonyma 2145)
  • She was the subject of the last thoughts of Anastasios 2101, who wondered how she would bear her loss (:) Psellos Monodies (Gautier) 112