Psellos now had only occasional visits from Ioannes kaisar: he kept a picture in his heart, but needed letters

Psellos once saw Ioannes kaisar daily, but now he seldom visited, constant pleasure replaced by a rarity factor. Psellos had him in his heart and could enjoy him at will. The truffles he would eat with pleasure as a link to Ioannes' table. In another letter he wondered whether he was a lone flautist playing for Ioannes, or were they competitors? Psellos felt the rhythm of Ioannes' verbal lyre, but Ioannes pressured him without giving help. What did Ioannes charge for music given free by Pan or Orpheus? Psellos wanted to hear Ioannes' song, afraid he might ration it, like the Sirens, Apollo, Marsyas or the music of the spheres. The Assyrians embalmed their family dead with a picture, while Psellos recalled Ioannes deep in his soul: yet he needed letters 
1063 (Uncertain) 
Ioannes Doukas, kaisar (Ioannes 62)
  • He once visited Michael 61 daily, but now more seldom, constant pleasure replaced by a rarity factor; Psellos had him in his heart and could enjoy him at will, and would eat the truffles with pleasure as a link to Ioannes’ table (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 40, 65.23-66.30
  • Was he Psellos’ audience or competitor? Did he charge for his music, unlike some mythological musicians, or ration it, like others? Psellos had Ioannes better recorded in his soul than Assyrians with mummies and pictures - but he needed letters (:) Psellos Letters (Gautier) 10.1-46
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • They once saw Ioannes 62 daily, but now he seldom visited, constant pleasure replaced by a rarity factor; Psellos had him in his heart and could enjoy him at will; the truffles he would eat with pleasure as a link to Ioannes’ table (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 40, 65.23-66.30
  • He wrote to Ioannes 62, complaining that he rarely visited him Psellos Letters (K - D) 40, 65.23-66.30
  • He wrote to Ioannes 62 from a sense of competition with him over music Psellos Letters (Gautier) 10.1-46
  • Was he a lone flautist playing for Ioannes 62, or were they competitors? Psellos felt the rhythm of Ioannes’ verbal lyre, but Ioannes pressured him without giving help; what did Ioannes charge for music given free by Pan or Orpheus? (:) Psellos Letters (Gautier) 10.1-23
  • He wanted to hear Ioannes’ song, afraid he might ration it, like the Sirens, Apollo, Marsyas or the music of the spheres; the Assyrians embalmed their family dead with a picture, Psellos recalled Ioannes deep in his soul, yet he needed letters (:) Psellos Letters (Gautier) 10.24-46