Chrysobull of Konstantinos X confirmed all earlier chrysobulls for Iveron

Konstantinos X, aware of the unjustified claims made of Iveron by tax-collectors, ordered that a receipt should be enought to prove that the monks had paid what was due, and that the monastery should not be harassed in the future. He confirmed in a new chrysobull the validity of all earlier chrysobulls, including the earliest, that of Romanos II 
1065 June 
Emperor Konstantinos X Doukas (Konstantinos 10)
  • Confirmed in a chrysobull the validity of all earlier chrysobulls, including the earliest, that of Romanos 2 (in the month of June of the 3rd indiction, in the year 6573 (1065):κατὰ τὸν ΙΟΥΝΙΟΝ ΜΗΝΑ ΤΗΣ ΤΡΙΤΗΣ ἰνδικτιῶνος τοῦ ἑξακισχιλιοστοῦ πεντακοσιοστοῦ ἑβδομηκοστοῦ τρίτου ἔτους) Iveron 2.113.15-114.29
  • Aware of the unjustified claims of tax-collectors from Iveron, he ordered that tax-collectors should be shown by the monks their receipt proving that they had paid what was due, and that the monastery should not be harassed in the future (:) τὴν ἀπόδειξιν τῶν σεκρετικῶν τὴν δηλοῦσαν καταβαλεῖν αὐτοὺς ἃ ἐποφείλουσι Iveron 2.113.10-15