Psellos corresponded with Sergios, krites of Thrakesion, over poisonous snakes & the monk Elias

Psellos replied to a question from Sergios, krites of Thrakesion, as to how somebody [a gipsy in a show?] could survive poisonous snake-bites. His reply began with a traditional list of poisonous snakes, while doubting if any existed in Thrakesion. He spoke of "a distinguished citizen whose name I will deliberately omit, who claims never to have been bitten by fleas or lice" [surely Sergios his correspondent? Sergios as student made this claim, and later he was krites of Thrakesion]. He told Sergios of the neighbour of the widow of Anastasios Lizix. This neighbour frequently handled snakes, and had them with her in bed, without ill effects; he suggested that what Sergios had seen was not unusual. In another letter he warned Sergios of a visit by the monk Elias Krystalas. Elias, who went everywhere but heaven, not liking the rough half of the world, moved via areas plundered by barbarians to the comfortable half, like Thrakesion and Sergios; he should not be revered as a monk, nor feared as Elijah. Sergios should follow his moods and appreciate his combination of opposites as a Protean entertainer of high quality who came self-invited. He should be enjoyed, then sent away 
1065 (Uncertain) 
elderly female snake-handler (Anonyma 2148)
  • She was a neighbour of Anonyma 2149, and regularly handled poisonous snakes (and had them with her in bed) with no ill effects Psellos Letters (Karpozilos) 2.88
widow of Anastasios Lizix (Anonyma 2149)
  • She was a neighbour of Anonyma 2148, who regularly handled poisonous snakes (and had them with her in bed) with no ill effects Psellos Letters (Karpozilos) 2.88
Elias Krystalas, monk (Elias 2101)
  • Not liking the rough half of the world he moved via areas plundered by barbarians, to the comfortable half, like Thrakesion and Sergios 105; he should not be revered or feared, but enjoyed as an entertainer of high quality who came self-invited (:) Psellos Letters (Gautier) 27.1-51
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He replied to a question from Sergios 105 as to how somebody (a gipsy in a show?) could survive poisonous snake-bites; he gave a traditional list of poisonous snakes, while doubting if any existed in Thrakesion (:) Psellos Letters (Karpozilos) 2.1-79
  • He spoke of 'a distinguished citizen whose name I will deliberately omit, who claims never to have been bitten by fleas or lice' (surely Sergios 105 his correspondent? Sergios as student made this claim, and later was a krites of Thrakesion) (:) τινα τῶν παρ᾿ ἡμῖν ἐπιφανῶν οὗ τὸ ὄνομα ἕκων ὑπερβήσομαι Psellos Letters (Karpozilos) 2.83-85
  • He told Sergios 105 of the neighbour of Anonyma 2149, widow of Anastasios 2101 Lizix - Anonyma 2148, who frequently handled snakes without ill effects; he suggested that what Sergios had seen was not unusual (:) Psellos Letters (Karpozilos) 2.87-88
  • He wrote to Sergios 105 about surviving poisonous snake-bites Psellos Letters (Karpozilos) 2.1-88
  • Elias 2101 went everywhere but heaven, not liking the rough half of the world and moving, via areas plundered by barbarians, to the comfortable half, like Thrakesion and Sergios 105 (:) Psellos Letters (Gautier) 27.1-16
  • He wrote to Sergios 105, advertising a visit he would receive from Elias 2101 Psellos Letters (Gautier) 27.1-51
  • He told Sergios 105 not to revere Elias 2101 as a monk, nor fear him as Elijah, but to follow his moods; he combined opposites as a Protean entertainer of high quality, yet came self-invited; he should be enjoyed, then sent away (:) Psellos Letters (Gautier) 27.17-51
Sergios Hexamilites, krites of the velon, ex-pupil of Michael Psellos (Sergios 105)
  • He asked Michael 61 about men bitten by poisonous snakes with no ill effects, and received a traditional list of poisonous snakes, none apparently native to Thrakesion, and details of Anonyma 2148, who often handled snakes safely (:) Psellos Letters (Karpozilos) 2.1-88
  • He was told of 'a distinguished citizen whose name I will deliberately omit, who claims never to have been bitten by fleas or lice' (surely Sergios himself, who as student made this claim, and later was a krites of Thrakesion) (:) Psellos Letters (Karpozilos) 2.83-85
  • He was warned by Michael 61 of a visit from Elias 2101; he should not revere Elias 2101 as a monk, nor fear him as Elijah, but follow his moods; Elias was an entertainer of high quality, yet came self-invited; he should be enjoyed, then sent away (:) Psellos Letters (Gautier) 27.1-51