Psellos recommended Elias Krystalas to Konstantinos, nephew of Keroularios

Psellos announced to Konstantinos, nephew of Keroularios (and to Ioannes the kaisar) the arrival of the monk Elias Krystalas. Elias had an ideal balance between Muses (serious) and Graces (pleasurable), between the intellectual and the practical. He was a serious musician but also a wit and mimic, having just copied something for Psellos quickly in a good hand, played some music, then put on various costumes. He would also bathe you, make the bed and tend horses. The letter announced this man, who would change at his hostÂ’s will. Elias was listening as Psellos dictated, so the letter was rather indirect  
1067 (Uncertain) 
Elias Krystalas, monk (Elias 2101)
  • He had an ideal balance between Muses (serious) and Graces (pleasurable), a serious musician but also a wit and mimic, having just copied something for Psellos quickly in a good hand, played some music, then put on various costumes (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 212, 249.17-251.14
  • He would also bathe you (Michael 61 told Konstantinos 120 and Ioannes 62), make the bed and tend horses; the letter announced this man, changeable at your will; Elias was listening as Psellos dictated, so the letter was rather indirect (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 212, 251.14-252.2
Konstantinos, nephew of patriarch Michael I Keroularios (Konstantinos 120)
  • He was told of the arrival of Elias 2101, who combined perfectly the serious and the amusing, the intellectual and the practical; he was told to enjoy him, following him in his changes of mood (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 212, 249.17-252.2
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • Elias 2101 had an ideal balance between Muses (serious) and Graces (pleasurable), a serious musician but also a wit and mimic, having just copied something for Psellos quickly in a good hand, played some music, then put on various costumes (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 212, 249.17-251.14
  • Elias 2101 would also bathe you (he told Konstantinos 120 and Ioannes 62), make the bed and tend horses; the letter announced this man, changeable at your will; Elias was listening as Psellos dictated, so the letter was rather indirect (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 212, 251.14-252.2
  • He announced to Konstantinos 120 and Ioannes 62 the arrival of Elias 2101 Psellos Letters (K - D) 212, 249.17-252.2