Psellos wrote to Konstantinos, nephew of Keroularios, mentioning ambush & Larissa-Melitene journey

Psellos wrote from central Asia Minor to Konstantinos, nephew of Keroularios, about the campaign of Romanos IV, in which he was a part. He was in a military phase, constructing machines, perhaps to be shot home through the air. All were depressed and the favour of Romanos IV was uncertain. Though he missed discussion with Konstantinos and his brother Nikephoros and would welcome correspondence, he felt out of place, writing would be hard, inspiration limited and quality low. Konstantinos should guard Psellos' adopted daughter and her family. Psellos complained of marching along gorges, over mountains and across bloodstained rivers, greater trials now under enemy attack. He had been saved by Iasites and especially the bravery of Romanos IV. He apologised to Konstantinos for writing little and poorly because of his surroundings, dreaming of visiting him, and of seeing his wife, his children (his pupil the vestarches, the vestes and the patrikios), with Konstantinos' groom and cook. The campaign was dragging him on further beyond Caesarea, though at some time he would succeed in winning his way home 
wife of Konstantinos, nephew of Michael Keroularios (Anonyma 2139)
  • She was part of Psellos' dream on campaign of returning to visit Konstantinos 120 and his family (:) τὸ τιμιώτατόν σοι τῆς πλευρᾶς τμῆμα Psellos Letters (Snipes) 1.50
children of Konstantinos, nephew of Michael Keroularios (Anonymi 2114)
  • They were part of Psellos' dream on campaign of returning to visit Konstantinos 120 and his family (:) Psellos Letters (Snipes) 1.50-52
vestarches, son of Konstantinos (nephew of Michael Keroularios) (Anonymus 2604)
  • He was part of Psellos' dream on campaign of returning to visit Konstantinos 120 and his family (:) τὸν μαθητὴν τὸν βεστάρχην Psellos Letters (Snipes) 1.50-51
vestes, son of Konstantinos (nephew of Michael Keroularios) (Anonymus 2605)
  • He was part of Psellos' dream on campaign of returning to visit Konstantinos 120 and his family (:) τὸν βέστην Psellos Letters (Snipes) 1.51
patrikios, son of Konstantinos (nephew of Michael Keroularios) (Anonymus 2606)
  • He was part of Psellos' dream on campaign of returning to visit Konstantinos 120 and his family (:) Psellos Letters (Snipes) 1.51-52
groom of Konstantinos (nephew of Michael Keroularios) (Anonymus 2607)
  • He was part of Psellos' dream on campaign of returning to visit Konstantinos 120 and his family (:) Psellos Letters (Snipes) 1.53
cook of Konstantinos (nephew of Michael Keroularios) (Anonymus 2608)
  • He was part of Psellos' dream on campaign of returning to visit Konstantinos 120 and his family (:) Psellos Letters (Snipes) 1.54
Euphemia, adopted daughter of Michael Psellos (Euphemia 103)
  • She and her family are probably the dearest possessions of Michael 61, whose protection is urged on Konstantinos 120 and Nikeophoros 101 (:) τὰ φίλτατα Psellos Letters (Sathas) 186.472-473
Konstantinos, nephew of patriarch Michael I Keroularios (Konstantinos 120)
  • He was told by Michael 61 that he was in a military phase, building machines amidst depression and uncertain imperial favour; Konstantinos and Nikephoros 111 should not expect many letters and should guard Euphemia 103 and her family (?) (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 186.470-473
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He wrote from central Asia Minor to Konstantinos 120, about the campaign of Romanos 4 Psellos Letters (Snipes) 1.1-38
  • He told Konstantinos 120 he was in a military phase, constructing machines, perhaps to return shot through the air; all were depressed and the favour of Romanos 4 uncertain (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 186.470-471
  • Though he missed discussion with Konstantinos 120 and Nikephoros 111, he felt out of place, writing would be hard, inspiration limited and quality low; Konstantinos should guard Euphemia 103 and her family (?) (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 186.471-473
  • He complained to Konstantinos 120 of marching through gorges, over mountains and across bloodstained rivers, trials which had now got worse under enemy attack, saved by Anonymus 2297 and especially the bravery of Romanos 4 (:) Psellos Letters (Snipes) 1.12-38
  • He apologised to Konstantinos 120 for writing little and poorly because of his surroundings, dreaming of visiting him, with Anonyma 2139, Anonymi 2114 (his pupil Anonymus 2604, Anonymus 2605 and Anonymus 2606), with Anonymus 2607 and Anonymus 2608 (:) Psellos Letters (Snipes) 1.39-54
  • The campaign was still dragging him on further beyond Caesarea, though at some time he would succeed in winning his way home (:) Psellos Letters (Snipes) 1.54-57
  • He wrote to Konstantinos 120 that he was in a military phase Psellos Letters (Sathas) 186.470-473
Nikephoros, nephew of patriarch Michael I Keroularios (Nikephoros 111)
  • He was told by Michael 61 (via Konstantinos 120) that he was in a military phase, building machines in an army of low morale; he and Konstantinos should not expect many letters and should guard Euphemia 103 and her family (?) (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 186.470-473
Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes (Romanos 4)
  • His favour, Michael 61 reported to Konstantinos 120, was uncertain as Psellos was in a military phase amidst general depression, constructing machines, perhaps to return shot through the air (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 186.470-471