Psellos, wanting contact with Ioannes kaisar, perversely wrote to him to ignore books & hunt everything, including Psellos himself

Psellos wrote to Ioannes the kaisar, still hunting on his estates at Choirobakchoi. Psellos would like to be a wild animal for him to hunt and kill, so as at least to have some contact with him. He himself would begin epistolary hunting of Ioannes through the ears (?). Having before derided hunting and begged Ioannes to read, Psellos changed his tactics, told him to ignore books and enjoy hunting with various animals against all kinds of prey, mainly for the table. This would help Psellos satisfy the Lamiai, who smell game 
Ioannes Doukas, kaisar (Ioannes 62)
  • As he was still hunting on his estates at Choirobakchoi, Michael 61 would like to be a wild animal for him to hunt and kill, so as to have some contact with him; he would begin epistolary hunting of Ioannes through the ears (?) (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 71.306-307
  • He was told by Michael 61 (in a complete change of mind) to ignore books and enjoy hunting with various animals against all kinds of prey, mainly for the table; this would help Psellos satisfy the Lamiai, who smell game (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 186, 205.1-206.9
Michael Psellos (named Konstantinos till tonsure in 1054) (Michael 61)
  • He wrote to Ioannes 62, hunting on his estates at Choirobakchoi, wanting contact Psellos Letters (Sathas) 71.306-307
  • He told Ioannes 62 to hunt with various animals against all kinds of prey Psellos Letters (K - D) 186, 205.1-206.9
  • He had changed his mind, having derided hunting and begged Ioannes 62 to read, now he told him to enjoy hunting with various animals against all kinds of prey, mainly for the table; this would help Psellos satisfy the Lamiai, who smell game (:) Psellos Letters (K - D) 186, 205.1-206.9
  • He wrote to Ioannes 62, still hunting on his estates at Choirobakchoi; Psellos would like to be a wild animal for him to hunt and kill, so as to have some contact with him; he would begin epistolary hunting of Ioannes through the ears (?) (:) Psellos Letters (Sathas) 71.306-307