Failure of Alexios (I) Komnenos to have Nikephoros III install Konstantios as his heir

Following the reluctance of Konstantios Doukas to succeed his brother Michael VII, Alexios Komnenos proposed his nomination as successor to Nikephoros Botaneiates, with an equal lack of success 
Emperor Alexios I Komnenos (Alexios 1)
  • His first attempt to place Konstantios 61 Doukas on the throne having failed, he took him to Nikephoros 3 (III Botaneiates) proposing that the latter could remain on the throne as long as he lived and that Konstantios 61 should then succeed him (:) δευτέραν ὁδὸν δραμεῖν εἵλετο Bryennios 59.4-13
Konstantios Doukas, brother of Michael VII (Konstantios 61)
  • Was taken by Alexios 1 Komnenos, whose first attempt to place him on the throne had failed, to Nikephoros 3 (III Botaneiates) with the proposal that Konstantios 61 should succeed Nikephoros after his death (:) τὸν τῆς βασιλείας κληρονόμον ἐπιτηδείως ἤδη ἔχοντα πρὸς τὴν ταύτης διακυβέρνησιν ἐγκαταστῆσαι αὐτῇ Bryennios 59.4-13