Bursuq ibn Bursuq attacked northern Syria, capturing Hama & advancing towards Shayzar

Muhammad Shah, the Seljuq sultan of Iran, sent Bursuq b. Bursuq as his isbasalar to attack the Franks and dissident Muslims in Syria. [Albert of Aachen gives him as colleagues Cocosander of Lagabria (unidentified) and Ridwan of Aleppo (who had died previously)]. Bursuq and his many amirs arrived aggressively in Syria in August, crossed the Euphrates and stopped at Salinas for recuperation. Then he went on via Salamyah to Hama, which he besieged and stormed, expelling or killing the aristocrats and installing his own garrison. He finally camped at Shayzar (where Mawdud had camped), facing the enemy position at Apamea. At Shayzar he was not invited into the city, though given generous presents from the ruler Sultan, via his brother Murshid (Usama's father), who offered himself as a knowledgeable local guide. The army lived in caves on the Orontes bank, and pillaged widely in Christian lands 
Bursuq b. Bursuq, isbasalar of the Seljuq Sultan (Bursuq 4001)
  • Raising a large army with Ridwan 4001 (d. 1113) and Cocosander 26101 (?), he marched to Rossa, Roida and Apamea in the territory of Antioch; after failing to take Apamea, they devastated Tonimosa, Turgulant and Montferrand (?), capturing William 26113 (:) Albert of Aachen XII.19
  • In his attack on Antioch, he arrived aggressively in Syria in August 1115, and stopped at Salinas for recuperation; then he went on via Salamyah to Hama, which he besieged and stormed, expelling or killing the aristocrats and installing his own garrison (:) Walter the Chancellor 1.3
  • He and his army were not welcomed inside Shayzar by Sultan 101, but they camped outside in caves; he and his chief lieutenants were sent rich presents via Murshid 101, who was also to offer himself as a knowledgeable local guide (:) Walter the Chancellor 1.3
  • He gathered a huge army, crossed the Euphrates and took up a position at Shayzar, between Antioch and Aleppo, exactly as Mawdud 26101 had done (:) Fulcher of Chartres 2.53.1
  • He led the army of Muhammad 104 to Syria and camped at Hama (:) وكان وصل بها الى الشأم إسباسلار برسق بن برسق وقد نزل حماة Usama 90
  • Set off on a campaign at the head of many amirs on the orders of Muhammad 104 and took Kafartab from the Franks (13 Rabi al-akhar 509 (5th September 1116):في سنة تسع وخمس مائة ... ثالث عشر ربيع الاخر) وقد وصل بامر السلطان الى الغزاة وهو في خلق عظيم وجماعة من الامراء ... Usama 73-76
Cocosander from the town of Lagabria (unknown) (Cocosander 26101)
  • He is said to have joined Bursuq 4001 in attacking Antioch [no convincing identification has been suggested for his name or his town] (:) Albert of Aachen XII.19
Muhammad Shah, Seljuq sultan of Iran (Muhammad 104)
  • He sent Bursuq 4001 with a huge army on an expedition against the Franks (509 (1115):في سنة تسع وخمس مائة) وصل بامر السلطان الى الغزاة Usama 73
  • His army reached Syria under the command of Bursuq 4001 and camped at Hama (Sunday, 14th June 1115:يوم الاحد تاسع عشر محرم سنة تسع وخمس مائة) وكان وصل بها الى الشأم إسباسلار برسق بن برسق وقد نزل حماة Usama 90
  • Having heard of the earthquake of 1114 in Northern Syria, he decided to mobilise all the Muslim armies to exploit the fact that God had abandoned the area; he expected easily to take over the small surviving population (:) Walter the Chancellor 1.2
Majd al-Din Abu Salama Murshid, father of Usama (Murshid 101)
  • He was sent by his brother Sultan 101 to take rich presents to Bursuq 4001 and his chief lieutenants, in the hope that by offering himself as a knowledgeable local guide, he could cement an alliance with them (:) Walter the Chancellor 1.3
Fakhr al-Mulk Ridwan, ruler of Aleppo (Ridwan 4001)
  • He is said to have joined Bursuq 4001 in attacking Antioch [but he died before: could this be a successor?] (:) Albert of Aachen XII.19
Roger of Salerno, prince (regent?) of Antioch (Roger 4002)
  • He dismissed the scouts and Anonymus 841 and held a council; they decided to march to al-Atharib, since rumour had it that Tughtigin 4001 and Ilghazi 4001 had arrived at Aleppo with ten thousand men, to support Sultan-Shah 101 - in fact to betray Aleppo to Muhammad 104 [many would say they wished to save Aleppo from Muhammad] (:) Walter the Chancellor 1.2
'Izz al-Din Abu l-'Asakir Sultan (Sultan 101)
  • He was very worried by the arrival of Bursuq 4001 in Syria, both for his city and for himself, and decided not to welcome him inside Shayzar, but to send his brother Murshid 101 with gifts for Bursuq and his senior colleagues; Murshid was to be a knowledgeable local guide, cementing an alliance with Bursuq (:) Walter the Chancellor 1.3
William of Percy (?) (William 26113)
  • He was defeated, captured and carried off by Bursuq 4001 and his fellow-generals (:) Albert of Aachen XII.19