Michael Italikos improvised an encomium of Eirene Doukaina before her theatron

Michael Italikos, on the instructions of Eirene Doukaina, improvised a traditional encomium of her before her theatron. He was inspired by the learned audience, especially Eirene herself, a great enthusiast for literature. It also contained Nikephoros Bryennios, his wife Anna Komnene and probably her sisters Maria and Theodora 
1128 (Guess) 
Anna Komnene, daughter of Alexios I and historian (Anna 62)
  • She was in the audience when Michael 20130 improvised an encomium of Eirene 61 before Eirene's theatron (:) τὴν Σειρῆνα τοῦ καίσαρος Italikos 151.12-13
Eirene Doukaina, wife of Alexios I (Eirene 61)
  • She asked Michael 20130 to improvise an encomium for her before her theatron; she was praised as very learned, an enthusiast for literature and an inspiration for an orator speaking before her πασῶν βασιλίδων λογιωτέρα Italikos 146.1-147.24
Maria, daughter of Alexios I Komnenos (Maria 146)
  • She was in the audience when Michael 20130 improvised an encomium of Eirene 61 before Eirene's theatron (:) τῶν ἄλλων βασιλίδων Italikos 151.23
Michael Italikos, man of letters (Michael 20130)
  • On the instructions of Eirene 61, he improvised a traditional encomium of her before her theatron; he felt inspired by the learned audience, which beside Eirene contained Anna 62, Nikephoros 117 and probably Maria 146 and Theodora 107 (:) Italikos 146.1-151.24
Nikephoros Bryennios, kaisar, husband of Anna Komnene (Nikephoros 117)
  • He was in the audience when Michael 20130 improvised an encomium of Eirene 61 before Eirene's theatron (:) Italikos 151.23
Theodora, daughter of Alexios I Komnenos (Theodora 107)
  • She was in the audience when Michael 20130 improvised an encomium of Eirene 61 before Eirene's theatron (:) τῶν ἄλλων βασιλίδων Italikos 151.23