'Ali 'Abd Ibn Abi l-Rida', an Arab renegade, murdered by his wife for damaging the Muslims

'Ali 'Abd Ibn Abi l-Rida', after the death of his master, Sayf al-Dawla Khalaf b. Mula'ib, Lord of Apamea, went to serve the Frank Theophilos, ruler of Kafartab. He used his really extraordinary sight to win battles and do great damage to the Muslims. This angered his wife. When she failed to stop him, she killed him in Kafartab, and then escaped to Shayzar, where she was treated with great respect 
'Ali 'Abd Ibn Abi l-Rida', Arab renegade (Ali 104)
  • After the death of his master Khalaf 101, he served Theophilos 108 in Kafartab, using his extraordinary sight to do great damage to the Muslims; finally he was killed by Anonyma 228, who refused to allow him to help the Franks; she then fled from Kafartab to Shayzar (:) Usama 127-128
wife of 'Ali 'Abd Ibn Abi l-Rida' (Anonyma 228)
  • She killed her husband Ali 104 in Kafartab because she did not want him to help the Franks; she then escaped to Shayzar where she was honoured and treated with respect (:) Usama 128