Adrianos Komnenos separated from his wife & children, & became a monk

Adrianos Komnenos, son of Alexios I's brother Isaakios and a future archbishop, disposed of his wealth, took off the mask he shared with other members of the ruling group, separated from his wife, cut his ties with his children and became a monk 
1133 (Guess) 
Adrianos Komnenos, later Ioannes, archbishop of Bulgaria [1141, 1157] (Adrianos 25001)
  • He disposed of his wealth, took off the mask he shared with other members of the ruling group, separated from Anonyma 25013, cut his ties with Anonymi 25009 and became a monk (:) Basilakios, Orationes et epistulae 39.17-28
wife of Adrianos - Ioannes Komnenos (Anonyma 25013)
  • Her husband Adrianos 25001 cut ties with her and with Anonymi 25009 and became a monk (:) Basilakios, Orationes et epistulae 39.17-28
children of Adrianos - Ioannes Komnenos (Anonymi 25009)
  • Their father Adrianos 25001 cut ties with Anonyma 25013 and with them and became a monk (:) Basilakios, Orationes et epistulae 39.17-28