The Danishmend amir died, succeeded by his son Muhammad

After recapturing his city of Kastamon, Gumushtegin Ghazi died. He was succeded by his son Muhammad (or by a female defender). Muhammad had serious differences with Mas'ud, the sultan of Ikonion 
Gümüshtegin Ghazi, second ruler of Danishmend dynasty (Gumushtegin 101)
  • He gathered a large force and besieged and captured Kastamon, slaughtering its Byzantine defenders; however, soon afterwards he died (:) Niketas Choniates, Historia 19.6-9
Mas'ud, sultan of Ikonion (Masud 17001)
  • Had differences with the Danishmendid amir Muhammad 17001 after the latter's accession (:) Kinnamos 14.11-13
Muhammad ibn Danishmend (Muhammad 17001)