Michael Italikos wrote to Lizix, recalling discussions of him with Theodoros Prodromos

Michael Italikos wrote to Lizix, saying that he could picture him well, especially during happy chats with Theodoros Prodromos, though he no longer met him. But he would be surprised if the ambitious Lizix had the same memories of them 
1136 (Guess) 
Lizix, old friend of Michael Italikos (Anonymus 25031)
  • He received a letter from Michael 20130 that, though they were apart, Michael recalled him well, especially when talking happily with their friend Theodoros 25001; but Michael would be surprised if the ambitious Lizix remembered them (:) Italikos 178.1-17
Michael Italikos, man of letters (Michael 20130)
  • Though he no longer saw Anonymus 25031, he could picture him well, especially during happy chats with Theodoros 25001; but he would be surprised if the ambitious Lizix had the same memories of them (:) Italikos 178.1-17
Theodoros Prodromos, man of letters (Theodoros 25001)
  • He and Michael 20130 remembered Anonymus 25031 in their happy chats, though they no longer saw him; they would be surprised if the ambitious Lizx also remembered them (:) Italikos 178.1-17