Ioannes II at Antioch in 1137: siege, meeting at his camp, visit to the city?

It seems generally agreed that Ioannes II approached Antioch in a fairly aggressive way, that there were skirmishes and considerable fighting in the framework of a siege, particularly around the Gate of the Bridge. This stage may have begun before many of the defenders had left in a vain attempt to defend Montferrand, but it is more likely that Ioannes had not reached the immediate neighbourhood before they went. However the fighting between Christians was stopped before it went too far and an agreement reached. The most fundamental difference in the sources is between Niketas Choniates, who has Ioannes making a visit of several days to the city, and other sources (best exemplified by William of Tyre), who show Raymond of Poitiers only visiting Ioannes' camp outside the city, perhaps as part of the agreement made. Kinnamos stresses that Raymond had begged Ioannes to become Antioch's overlord, provided he recognised Raymond's own status as current ruler. Ioannes refused 
Emperor Ioannes II Komnenos (Ioannes 2)
  • He entered Antioch, welcomed with open arms by Raymond 17001 and all the people; he stayed for some days, showing the liege status of Raymond and Raymond 4004 of Tripoli, then decided to attack nearby cities under Muslim control (:) λίζιον ἑαυτῷ τὸν πρίγκιπα δείξας Niketas Choniates, Historia 27.2-9
  • Reached and bypassed Vahka and camped outside Antioch, winning skirmishes; though often asked by Raymond 17001 (of Poitiers) to become Antioch’'s overlord, in return for recognising Raymond’'s subordinate rights, he refused (:) ἐφ᾽ ᾧ βασιλέα μὲν κύριον εἶναι καὶ λέγεσθαι, τὸν δὲ δικαίῳ τῷ ἐξ αὐτοῦ ταύτης ἐπιτροπεύειν Kinnamos 18.12-19.4
  • After a year of preparations, he arrived in Cilicia; captured Tarsos, Adana, Mamistra, Anazarbos and all Cilicia, which had been ruled from Antioch for 40 years, since time of Baldwin 51 and Tancred 61; arriving at Antioch he began a siege (: ) William of Tyre bk. 14, 24.34-58
  • His siege of Antioch continued, especially around the Gate of the Bridge; Raymond 17001 left for a time in a vain attempt to save Montferrand; when he returned, hostilities continued, but a compromise was reached before the siege went too far (: ) William of Tyre bk. 14, 30.1-26
  • By the terms of the agreement, Raymond 17001 went to Ioannes' camp, and before all the courtiers he swore fealty to Ioannes, promising him free access to Antioch; Ioannes also proposed to conquer a new fief for Raymond (: ) William of Tyre bk. 14, 30.26-34
Raymond of Poitiers, prince of Antioch (Raymond 17001)
  • He saw the successful approach of Ioannes 2 from Cilicia, and decided to send envoys to negotiate; but Ioannes was not yet ready to give up his aggressive stance (:) Basilakios, Orationes et epistulae 63.24-28
  • He welcomed Ioannes 2 to Antioch with open arms, accompanied by the whole people, confirming his vassal status (and that of Raymond 4004); Ioannes stayed for several days (:) λίζιον ἑαυτῷ τὸν πρίγκιπα δείξας Niketas Choniates, Historia 27.2-9
  • Returning to Antioch he defended it against Ioannes 2, who attacked around the Gate of the Bridge; but a compromise was reached before the siege went too far; he went to Ioannes' camp to swear fealty, promising free access to Antioch (: ) William of Tyre bk. 14, 30.1-34
  • He often begged the emperor Ioannes 2 to become Antioch'’s overlord, recognising his own subordinate rights — without success (:) ἐφ᾿ ᾧ βασιλέα μὲν κύριον εἶναι καὶ λέγεσθαι, τὸν δὲ δικαίῳ τῷ ἐξ αὐτοῦ ταύτης ἐπιτροπεύειν Kinnamos 18.12-19.4
  • A few days later, a Byzantine council considered his request and granted it; he confirmed the offer, as did other Antiochene forces, the Frerii and the local population (:) βουλὴ ῾Ρωμαίων, Φρέριοι Kinnamos 19.4-8