Michael Italikos asked Ioannes Axouch to stop his enemies blocking his career

In the age of gold presided over by Ioannes Axouch and Ioannes II, all was movement and victory and the empire had returned to its greatness. Cilicia and Syria were witnessing a new chapter in the story. Michael Italikos was the encomiast of this successful period, yet MichaelÂ’'s own career in the church had been blocked by calumny he could not control. He asked Axouch to make sure that Ioannes II realised what was happening, by passing on a letter 
1137 (Uncertain) 
Emperor Ioannes II Komnenos (Ioannes 2)
  • His encomiast, Michael 20130, who publicised the golden age over which he presided, claimed to be blocked in his own career by the calumny of his enemies; Ioannes 293 was asked to see that the emperor realised this and remedied it (:) Italikos 229.1-230.17
Ioannes Axouch, megas domestikos (Ioannes 293)
  • He received a letter from Michael 20130 praising the golden age of Ioannes 2, of which Michael was the encomiast; but the encomiast's own career was blighted by his enemies; Axouch should pass on a letter and see that the emperor remedied this (:) Italikos 229.1-230.17
Michael Italikos, man of letters (Michael 20130)
  • He sent a letter to Ioannes 293 praising the golden age of Ioannes 2, of which Michael was the encomiast; but the encomiast's own career was blighted by his enemies; Axouch should pass on a letter and see that the emperor remedied this (:) Italikos 229.1-230.17